Google SEO : The Complete SEO Tutorial for Beginners - Xtreme Tech News

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Aug 20, 2017

Google SEO : The Complete SEO Tutorial for Beginners

You know that SEO is important... but it's Greek to you? You have heard that to "do SEO", but you have not the slightest idea of what is this animal? You would like to be well referenced without spending a fortune? so let's go the SEO tutorial for beginners .


The program is attractive! It can help you better understand what is SEO if you manage a blog or a site without being an expert in the field. But it can also, if you work with a SEO professional, helping you be more 'active' in the collaboration because you better close issues that it implements. But what about this book? Worth? I propose to learn more and give you my opinion on  Google SEO : operating instructions...

What is SEO?

If you already have basics in SEO, we really leave the base ... with a little reminder about the birth of SEO. How was referencing 20 years ago ... and how is referencing today?

It will allow you to understand the discipline evolves constantly. Search engines develop, evolve behaviors of Internet users also (20 years ago, he didn't have smartphones) ... and so there are things changing in how to "mount" a site in search results.

However, there are also in this discipline of fundamentals, things that don't (almost) move over the years... and three large pillars that remain the same:

  • The technique (a website must be technically well designed for a search engine to explore and understand it )
  • The editorial (content and keywords)
  • The links (those that link your pages and those that are made to your site).

Three great pillars, to which we can add a fourth over time: the strategy. More you progress, the more you will realize that you can make real strategic choices! But until we get into the strategy, we must start with the basics 

Why is it useful to update his site regularly in SEO? Is it useful to submit his site to Google for it be referenced? How to tell if Google found pages of your site? Through very concrete comparisons , we start to gently explore the topic.

SEO: how to use - the three pillars of SEO

After this entry, it is time to tackle the three pillars of SEO.

          * The Technique

We explain to you step by step why it is important to lean (a little) on even without being a developer. How interesting it is to learn some rudiments of HTML language (and where to form!). Then Olivier Ahmad shows you some basic technical optimizations on 3 different platforms: KompoZer, WordPress and the site Creation tool of the 1 & 1 hoster.

You will learn for example ...

  • What tags are and how to use them to help Google understand the meaning of your pages.
  • How to view these tags in your code even if the code is incomprehensible to your eyes.
  • How to write the title and meta description of your articles The title and extract of your pages that appear in Google search results).
  • What are the basic rules to be followed when you insert an image into its articles.
  • How to create a good URL for your pages.

                 * The content

How to choose the right keywords? How to evaluate their interest? It often repeat the keywords in the content. In practice, how to do when you want to write an article that is well optimized for SEO?

Identify for each article a "dominant term", a kind of main topic around which the article will revolve ... and a panel of secondary terms to enrich the subject.


It also evokes the interest of the links between content dealing with the same subject on your site.

                    * The links

You will discover what they do (apart from the fact of movement from one page to another!) and what role they play in SEO. You will also learn what is a "good relationship" for SEO (and what is a bad link).


          * Track your SEO performance

Yes, that is one aspect that is often forgotten once we have looked at the three pillars of SEO! Yet it is important to learn to see if your efforts are bearing fruit. That's also how you progress, finding out what works and what's not working. 

I Like to try to explain the referencing to beginners but concretely, this is not an easy exercise. We can go very far in SEO, enter into really very technical considerations, imagine a strategy of content of sublime precision ... and it is not always obvious to make choices to simplify the subject.

       * The subject of redirects

The redirects. Basically, when you change the address of a page, that your site itself changes address (eg: you change from blogging platform, etc) ... Google is not able to guess all alone that you have "moved". So it will consider your new addresses as ... news.
It's as if you're starting from scratch while with a redirect, you can keep almost entirely referencing your old addresses (much like when you have your mail followed by mail after a move!).
Today in addition, there are very simple plugins to make redirections without technical knowledge (I use redirection and SEO redirection on my WordPress blogs), so I find it unfortunate to pass the subject in silence while I see daily sites losing a lot of traffic and positions on Google because they ignored this rule.

      * The Role of Bold Text 

I advise you to put the keywords in bold in your articles. I think it's relevant, for a history of readability, to put in bold the important notions ... but using the bold on specific keywords seems to me quite old school as a practice and it's been quite a few years since I see it no longer really considered a bonus in terms of SEO.

   * The "ideal length" of a content

I suggest to write at least 200 words and consider a content of 200 to 400 words as an acceptable average. I have a much more nuanced view on the matter
First, my personal opinion is more flexible: I think that the length of the content must be dictated by the subject. You might well be difficult to analyze in 200 words a piece of complex legislation on a legal site... the same way that it is not necessarily relevant to write 1500 words on a page whose purpose is to simply list the holidays of the year. 

Google seeks to highlight the most relevant content to the user: give an arbitrary range in number of words can be dangerous for a beginner who may follow it "to the letter".

And then, recent studies show the explosion of long content. Once again, it doesn't mean that we have to write that, we also need briefs, news, short mood tickets ... but the fact is that long content gets good performance (see for example this case study of Backlinko side SEO, this case study OKDork/Buzzsumo which shows that long content is generally more shared on social networks , this Moz/Buzzsumo study which states that articles over 1000 words receive more links.

Of course, you always have to take tweezers with the studies because they are sometimes told anything but in 2017, it seems a little light to give thus an "ideal average length range" for an article.

  * Things a bit old

In general, there are points that seemed to me a bit ' old-fashioned ' while the book was the subject of an update in 2017 (the first edition, SEO Zero Euro, was published in 2014).

For example, describe the site plan as a "weapon essential to referencing". Making a site map (which lists your key pages) can help a search engine access it if otherwise the site is "poorly organized" ... but I would not go so far as to say that it is essential.

Or tell that to create a link to your site on another 'interesting' site to boost your SEO, you need to look at the PageRank of homepage. The PageRank is any more made public for a long time so if the site where you would like to get a link has less than 5 years, good luck finding his PageRank .

Screenshots are still dated despite the update of the book (it shows you WordPress 3.8 while there was a lot of versions since then, or even the Yoast 1.4.25 plugin, which dates from 2014)... and for a beginner, it must keep in mind that it is very important to keep your site up to date by following the new versions to avoid getting hacked .

The "Guest blogging" and sponsored blog post  ... two practices which, in my opinion, have nothing in common in 2017. Writing a signed article is being paid to publish content that contains a link to a site. To make guest blogging is to offer a site a quality content adapted to its readership, including a relevant link to your own blog.

Guest blogging can be a very healthy practice if practiced with moderation, on sites consistent with your theme, within a qualitative content. We're not talking about a vulgar exchange of articles 'I write 300 words, you write 300 words' as it was many years ago. Even if we sometimes get such a proposal in his mail box ;) Sometimes - often - guest blogging isn't even an Exchange also (someone publishes at home or you publish someone's home without necessarily be mutual).

This tutorial can give you good basics, good reflexes and help you understand what natural referencing is. Yes, you will discover after your reading that it does not boil down to "install a plugin that will do your SEO" as I read it sometimes;)

It's already huge , if you have this curiosity to learn the basics, Congrats , it will never be lost and it will only do good to your site. Wanting to do it yourself is a healthy approach (and sometimes you don't have the choice because you can't afford it!). But also remember that there is nothing shameful about passing the hand when you reach its limits, especially if it is your business that depends on SEO.

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Google SEO : The Complete SEO Tutorial for Beginners Reviewed by Tech news on August 20, 2017 Rating: 5 You know that SEO is important... but it's Greek to you? You have heard that to "do SEO", but you have not the slightest idea...