What is Growth Hacking ? Marketing Strategies for small business - Xtreme Tech News

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Aug 22, 2017

What is Growth Hacking ? Marketing Strategies for small business

The Growth Hacking is about experimentation, trial and error, of iterations, of creation, of the unexpected. How to integrate this approach into the idea of strategy? The  Growth Hacking , which requires an agile method, there need a strategy, quantified targets, battle plan? 


There is too much tendency to reduce the Growth Hacking to groping, to a suite of experiments aimed at generating growth, and the growth hacker to a small genius that fiddles using all sorts of means more .

According to this image of growth hacking, the idea of strategy may seem incongruous. To build a strategy is to set goals, plan, allocate resources, anticipate. The strategy is synonymous with rigour and discipline. In short, the opposite a prior of the free and creative spirit of the growth hacking
Growth hacking naturally stems from a new generation, often named Y to stay in the jargon of "BuzzWord", able to handle several tasks simultaneously, to move quickly from one subject to another, to be always connected to keep up with the new trends and especially to store a large number of information.

What is Growth hacking ?

The growth hacking was introduced by Sean Ellis, a former employee of Dropbox who has been working to define it according to these words: « a growth hacker is a person whose one and only goal is growth. Every decision, every tactic, every strategy he undertakes is motivated by this one and only goal. To do this, the Growth hacker has to have an ardent desire to connect your target audience with your product or service. » 

The growth hacking appears to us here as a specific reflection in measuring it where an often simple idea can revolutionize the customer approach of a company and make it take off drastically its growth. As part of our inbound marketing services, our outward look, but also all the experience we have accumulated leads us regularly to identify these tricks that will unlock your growth.
The advent of digital and the accessibility of information makes it logical to make this new practice of combining digital marketing techniques and, more generally, any kind of ruse that allows for growth.

In the same way that some start-ups have upset some economies, the Growth  hacking shakes the digital marketing codes with a perfectly scalable method to the digital transformation we are witnessing.

In other words, more Growth Hacker has strings (Technical Marketing) to his bow, over its range of solutions can be varied. The number of responses is infinite in this new science marketing as the ruse remains always the element dominant and determining the success of the strategy in place.

It is in this sense that the Growth Hacking is exciting, it is that it has limits as your approach!

Why Growth Hacking are so relevant?

Growth Hacking is a the technique of digital marketing most relevant because she totally adapts to issues and objectives. Clearly, the Growth Hacking offers a unique solution to a problem, so we see total customization of its growth strategy.

Particularly requested by start-ups in rapid growth research, as well as business development positions, it is possible to imagine in the long term that the position of growth hacker is democratizing among the largest companies.

Growth Hacker or digital Archimedes?

In the same way as Archimedes, the Growth Hacker spends his time testing and analyzing the returns, this is referred to as "Test and Learn". Indeed, the experimentation is at the centre of the activity to overcome the shackles which can sometimes be blocking.

Growth Hacking allows you to exit the beaten to fetch a breeding ground for growth able to explode this last.

Growth hacking and automation, what about it?

Automation is often at the heart of the strategies of Growth Hacking because it allows thousands of actions to be launched simultaneously and to create volume in the approach. At this level, the difficulty of the Growth hacker lies essentially in its ability to reproduce normal human behaviors so as not to scare away users.

Automation can therefore quickly show its limits if it is not manipulated with dexterity. In general, it is important to always test at 100% all the processes in your workflow so that you do not take any risks, especially if you touch a large number of users in your campaigns.

What are the main marketing levers used by the Growth Hacker?

The Hacker Growth must master many marketing techniques to carry out tailor-made combinations. Here is a few:

       * SEO – Natural referencing
    * SEA – Paid SEO 
    * SMO – strategy on social networks 
    * Content Marketing 
    * Emailing 
    * CRO – Conversion optimization
    * RLSA and Remarketing
    * video motion design
    *  UX design and user experience

It turns out that inbound marketing often comes up in Growth Hacking strategies even if the Hacker Growth is not always passive and he also opted for so-called acquisition 'active' in some cases.

Growth Hacking Tools 

There is no typical toolbox when it comes to working on a customer's growth. However, trends such as gradual engagement through freemium or incitement to virality via social media, emailing or sponsorship techniques are common. The idea is to identify the major brakes to the explosion of a concept and to propose corrective actions in this direction. A product with brilliant marketing and effective offerings will then sell almost by itself, if the user becomes a delivery vehicle for the product or service. These few examples only reflect the marketing of Growth Hacking, A rather tconcept in the company. To think about it together, get in touch with Markentive and discover the power of intelligent digital marketing.

Why is SEO the lever that creates the most Growth Hacker?

SEO is the predecessor of Growth hacking. Indeed, this way of torturing the mind, to challenge itself, to adapt to the new tendencies and to have to combine several digital expertise to find its growth has always been at the root of SEO.

SEO is also often one of the main ropes of the Growth hacker as many come from this sector. Also, for an SEO strategy to be effective, it requires in essence the presence of other levers, which clearly shows that the idea of combining has always been at the center of the natural SEO strategies even before one invented the Growth hacking

Growth Hacking and Marketing Strategies for small business 

Big trade marks such as Tinder, Airbnb or Dropbox, have not become what they are today by accident.
They have adapted traditional marketing techniques by departing and significantly changing their clientele in a short period of time.

This type of process where traditional marketing is mixed with unusual techniques, experiments and A/B tests, is called "Growth hacking".

Growth hacking is one of the most important pieces of a puzzle that has the ability to transform your startup into a company that brews several million.

Most of the founders of a startup focus on developing a product, and they ignore one of the most important parts of any self-respecting business marketing.

If no one has ever heard about you or your product, then even the most fantastic idea is doomed to failure.And the growth hacking might well be this inexpensive and highly effective strategy that can bring you thousands of new customers.

So it's time to immerse ourselves inside the most effective techniques of growth hacking, that almost any startup can adopt.

Have a community before the product launches

Having a community even when the product is still in the development stage may well be crucial for your business.

This is the time when you can warm up the audience a bit, develop a close relationship with it, and learn what characteristics it expects with respect to the product you intend to offer.

Developing a community does not mean that everything has to be strictly focused around your product.

Instead, you should focus on the problems that your product might be able to resolve later.

For example, if you develop a website analysis tool, then it would be a good idea to create a community of marketers who are looking for ways to get more sophisticated about their traffic and their conversions data.

- People could share their experience and to give advice between them.
-  You will have the opportunity to develop your name in this niche.
- There are many ways and techniques that you can use to create this community.

You only need to be a little creative.

And here are some:

- create your own forum and participate on other forums of the niche

- create a group on social networks. It is especially popular on Facebook and LinkedIn

 - get active on Quora. Answer the questions in connection with your niche, and expand your name as an expert

 - find relevant subreddits on Reddit, and ask people to feedback on your idea. Compile them in a list, and once the product is released, send them a message explaining how certain characteristics have been changed or added based on their feedback.

-Be active on platforms like BetaList (https://betalist.com/) by submitting the beta version of your product to the test.

Invest in your content

- Create unique, high quality and content which is useful for your audience, is the number one for almost all current business rule.

- Analyze your niche, find out what people need, create your perfect customer profile, and use the data to create content that people will love.

- Be creative and bring on the table of the subjects that have not yet been covered by your competitors.And if they were, so make sure to be even more perceptive than them.

- Don't be afraid to experiment with different forms of content such as text, visuals, audio, video, why not animation, etc. People like to see something new, controversial, so don't hesitate to stand out from others. Only those who are not afraid to take risks will meet with success.

Let's go now to some of the techniques that could be used by almost any startup:

- Blogging. You know your audience? You understand their needs, fears and passions? Awesome. So let's play a little bit with their feelings by writing a blog. Talk about the problems they encounter, and then help them to solve them. Publicly answering their questions, share different points of view from experiments you have done, and present the scenes of your life in a society. Show anything that might be of interest to your potential audience.

- Guest article. It is almost identical to the blogging; that is, you do not publish on your own blog, but on that of others. All you have to do is to create exceptional content, and find a web site that will be interested to share your content and publish it.

- Marketing on the forums Very often marketers and business neglect this strategy. This is the perfect place to meet thousands of open-minded people. Leave your promoter clothes at the entrance, and act as an ordinary user by answering questions, helping people and sharing your experience. In this way, you will very quickly make a name for yourself, and people will start coming to you from themselves.

- Content updates. If you want to bring your content to the next level, then a content update is the thing to do. Suggest something to download that will bring value to the reader. A model, a checklist or a tool that could improve their work in a meaningful way. In return, you will get his email that will be useful to you during your future marketing campaigns. Everybody wins.

Launch viral campaigns

One of the biggest reasons that make startups grow quickly, are viral campaigns.
Becoming a viral is the key to quickly increase your customer, your sales volumes and your global audience.

You have two choices.

You can choose to continue to create high-quality content, and hope to become viral naturally.
Or you can choose to take everything in hand and organize your own viral campaigns. Some examples of tactics that your startup could apply:

- Get noticed by the media. If you have something interesting to say or show, then let him know as many possible media companies. Be sure only to be excellent, as there are thousands of competitors who are trying to do exactly the same thing every day. This could be one of the most problematic policies, but if you attract the attention of at least one of the media companies, then this could turn into a huge springboard for your startup.

- Use Pay With a Tweet (http://www.paywithatweet.com/) for your content. If you already offer free eBooks, tools or updates of content, then apply this policy on any of these points. Its function is to ask a user to share your content on social networks until he could download it for free. In this way, you can go viral in a blink of an eye. You only need to attract some users at first, and it could be to make the organic spread very quickly.

– Organize viral sponsorship campaigns. This strategy has been successfully applied by many startups. Basically, what you have to do is assign a sponsorship link to each new user who is registering on your website. Then suggest something in return if someone else is registering via this link. This could be the subject of a contest with a prize to be won for the user who has generated the most sponsorships, by offering a discount to the Godfather and the sponsored, or by offering a free additional product. This is up to your imagination, but make sure it stimulates enough sponsorships.

Growth Hacking is a never ending process 

- You must always continue to try and implement new strategies. It is only in this way you will increase your chances of success.

- These three approaches I have addressed above represent the starting point for you to start.
Once you have applied them, continue to add new tactics to achieve even better results.
Leave a comment below if you know a strategy adapted to the startups I've not mentioned above.


The Growth Hacking is the pure product of the digital transformation that we are witnessing. The trades of the web evolve towards more multidisciplinary and the requirement of users requires on the part of companies to learn to combine precise levers to bring a customized answer to future clients!

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What is Growth Hacking ? Marketing Strategies for small business Reviewed by Tech news on August 22, 2017 Rating: 5 The Growth Hacking is about experimentation, trial and error, of iterations, of creation, of the unexpected. How to integrate this approac...

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