Best wordpress plugins : Top 18 must Have Wordpress Plugins in 2017 - Xtreme Tech News

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Jul 27, 2017

Best wordpress plugins : Top 18 must Have Wordpress Plugins in 2017

For the record, a plugins a small program that adds to your basic WordPress additional features (sharing on social networks, photo gallery, SEO help etc.). There are thousands of them ... So to help you choose, here is our selection of the best WordPress plugins in 2017 .

But Before  think carefully about your needs in advance, and choose a plugin based on her overall score given by the users, and corollary, the number of times it has been downloaded. Also, ransom of the success of WordPress, the new themes integrate more in addition to lots of native features. So before browsing looking for a plugin, first completely explore the theme that you have chosen to install.



 The Best WordPress plugins in 2017

1 - Akismet 

Always in the place in 2017, this must-have plugin allows to filter spam comments. It identifies comment spam and are awaiting publication so that they do not appear on your blog. It can also delete them automatically.

- Akismet learns to wire time - if he's wrong (filter a comment by mistake or forget to filter a), you can report him. Thanks to these feedback (and all those given by other users), Akismet "learn" to better filter spam.

 - Your comments remain clean - real comments from readers are not drowned among ads
Akismet is installed by default on WordPress blogs but to be functional, it must think to activate indicating an API key in the settings.

2 - Broken Link Checker

Broken Link Checker identifies all dead links on your blog, be they in the comments or in the content. You can then change the link (if the page has simply changed address) or delete.

This extension helps to keep a blog as up-to-date as possible: no need to test all the links by hand to see if they are still valid, the plugin does it for you.

3- Cookie Notice

cookie notice allows you to display a banner that informs readers of the presence of cookies on the blog. This is a legal obligation today ... so this is a plugin that you can  use more by necessity than by pleasure.

4 - Google XML Sitemaps

 This plugin automatically creates a "sitemap"  for search engines. This sitemap updates itself and is configurable. For example, you can choose whether it includes archives, categories, external pages ... This is a good way to help Google, Bing and others to do their job.

5- PHP code for posts

 A plugin for Geeks who, like me, use PHP code on their blog. PHP code allows you to memorize bits of PHP code and then create a shortcut to use them easily on your blog in articles or widgets.
It serves me for example to display the total number of comments posted on the blog in the sidebar.

6 - subscribe to Comments Reloaded

it allows readers to be notified when I responded to their comment or when there is a new comment on an article. This plugin is always a real gas in terms of Setup factory but I found no alternative worthy of the name.

7 - Yoast SEO 

this plugin makes it easy for SEO. I use it mainly to write descriptions and titles but also search engines tailored to define in a way very fine what to reference or not (at the scale of the tags, categories or articles).

It's a reference plugin, which only has a competitor (all-in - One SEO Pack). Both are honestly very well and very used, I chose Yoast because I prefer ergonomics but it is a purely subjective choice!

8 - AD injection 

This plugin allows to insert advertising in the contents according to many criteria: for example, by targeting only the old articles ... or only the visitors who find you through the search engines.
You can define the desired locations, set up rotations between several banners (for example, displaying a banner 50% of the time and another 50% of the time).

Thanks to this plugin, I have more than doubled my advertising earnings compared to the previous year when I came advertising by hand. AD injection is no longer updated – with all the risks it involves. So I tested an alternative, advanced ads, which I'll talk to you about this month.

9- AMP + Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP

 Two plugins that allow to offer the blog posts as AMP, a high-speed format for playback on more comfortable mobile. AMP is a format that explodes.
As many webmasters, I'm not fan of this a little impersonal view, no menu (you can see a preview of this article to the AMP here format)... but it must be recognized that it is devilishly effective!
These two plugins allow on one hand to propose AMP on his blog but also to customize the display of the pages.

10 - CM ToolTip Glossary

This plugin allows you to view contextual definitions on the blog. I use it for a short time in order to help beginners to familiarize themselves with certain terms, like nofollow or responsive.

11- Comments Not Replied To

it's part of the WordPress plugins that some would call "gadget" but that saves time when you have a very active blog:) It simply makes it possible to report comments that have not yet been answered by collecting them in a dedicated tab.

You can instantly spot new messages and better organize your time (for example, reply later to comments that require more reflection ... without forgetting them!).

12-Contact Form 7

This WordPress extension makes it easy to create contact forms. This is a classic used by more than a million WordPress sites.

13- Redirection

 if you regularly move articles or remove, it is essential to create redirects to keep your SEO and your traffic. This plugin lets you do it quickly from the WordPress interface.

14 -  MailChimp pour WordPress

This plugin allows you to use the MailChimp Newsletter tool very easily on its WordPress blog.

15 - Sassy Social Share

A quality plugin to display sharing buttons to social networks on his blog. There are many options, we can display standard buttons, floating buttons, customize the display with a few clicks. A nice discovery!

16- ShortPixel Image Optimizer

The speed of loading a site remains a battle horse for all bloggers! The faster it is, the more enjoyable it is for the visitor.
It's not always easy to find solutions to get a faster site. An extension like ShortPixel image Optimizer allows you to optimize images effortlessly so that they load faster.

17 - Wordfence Security

Wordfence is part of the high quality plugins designed to enhance the security of a WordPress site. Can quickly be daunted by the debauchery of options it offers, but it's a real Swiss army knife to block spammers, hackers and other unwanted visitors.
It also monitors updates, changes to files suspicious... what blogging peace of mind!

18 - WP Fastest Cache

A good plugin to cache is often gain precious seconds of loading time. Have to find the good plugin! It must be able to compress your code to make it load faster, keep your pages in "memory" so that they display faster for visitors... all without side effects and without bugs!

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Best wordpress plugins : Top 18 must Have Wordpress Plugins in 2017 Reviewed by Tech news on July 27, 2017 Rating: 5 For the record, a plugins a small program that adds to your basic WordPress additional features (sharing on social networks, photo gallery,...


  1. I always find this kind of lists useless. It is just a personal preference list, nothing more. There is no such such thing as 'must haves'. Every site had another task, approach market, so in general you could just say, you need some protection against spam, maybe some seo, maybe some contact form..... And there are some more maybe's......

  2. Thank's Peter for you contribution and i agree with you, this list is useful for beginners users so any new website must use this plugins and all of them are easy to use

  3. Broken link checks are now a built-in functionality if I remember correctly. Contact Form 7 is known to influence site speed. Yoast is being recommended and XML sitemaps also, but this functionality is already provided by Yoast. Guys, your article is a bit of a mess.
