DC Comics: DC Films in full restructuring after the failure of Justice League - Xtreme Tech News

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Dec 7, 2017

DC Comics: DC Films in full restructuring after the failure of Justice League

DC Comics: DC Films in full restructuring after the failure of Justice League


The first fallout from the failure of Justice League at the box office, it's now (via Variety)... Warner Bros. Pictures preparing "a reshuffle and restructuring" of DC movies. First victim, the producer Jon Berg named to head the division in may 2016.

 (We were in the sequence of the Batman v Superman fallout: the dawn of justice.) His replacement has not yet found. Appointed at the same time to the same post, writer Geoff Johns remains in place, but his role could evolve into something more "Advisory."

The president of Warner Bros. Pictures, Toby Emmerich, is also considering a geographical restructuring, integrating DC movies under the same roof as the studio (DC Entertainment is in a separate building). Time Warner, the group that owns Warner Bros. Pictures, supports all of these changes, which should be effective in January. 

Unsurprisingly, Variety notes that executives are "unhappy with the financial performance of Justice League". To date, the blockbuster harvested 572.1 million dollars worldwide, which is less than the Man of Steel (668 million).

The version of Justice League, directed by Zack Snyder, has "alarmed executives of the studio due to its dark tone". Said executives would have also recognized very early that the decision to Snyder to choose Steppenwolf as the Super-Vilain main was "wrong." On the side of Time Warner.


The executives were "frustrated" to see Snyder continually back, especially after the failure of Batman v Superman: The dawn of Justice. They are also "annoyed" by the fact that each DC Comics movie seems to report less than the previous one. 

Well, Ben Affleck might appear in The Flash. (Again, this is a very bad idea.) And it is, of course, unlikely that he will resume his role in the Batman, Matt Reeves planning to choose a "new talent". See you in a few days/weeks for a next episode of the DC movies saga.

credit : DC Movies

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DC Comics: DC Films in full restructuring after the failure of Justice League Reviewed by Tech news on December 07, 2017 Rating: 5 DC Comics: DC Films in full restructuring after the failure of Justice League The first fallout from the failure of Justice League at ...

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