Google Search Console : new design and new reports coming ! - Xtreme Tech News

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Aug 17, 2017

Google Search Console : new design and new reports coming !

Google Webmaster Tools was born more than 10 years ago and incorporated only 4 reports originally. Renamed from Google Search Console, the tool of Google Webmaster is doing new skin. Here is an overview of the new interface and new reports soon available.

A new version of the google  Search Console arrives for end 2017!

If with more than 20 reports and tools, today's Search Console has nothing to do with the first version of more than 10 years ago, its interface begins to be a bit aging and Google has understood it well. So a new version of the new Webmaster tool is expected to be updated very soon.

What launch date is planned for the new Search Console 2017?

This new version will be deployed initially to a limited sample of accounts in the coming weeks.
It should therefore be deployed to all users most certainly by the end of the year 2017 but John Mueller did not give more details about it. It is therefore not excluded that the deployment takes place earlier if the Beta works well and the first users do not make too many returns to Google.
A redesign for what goals and what's new?

Specifically, with this complete overhaul of the search console, Google wants to: make the search console accessible and viewable anywhere with a brand new 100% responsive design!

    - Give more data and input to webmasters and developers so that they can identify the sources of the problems and be able to modify the code of their site accordingly.

   -  Make managing problems identified by Google more efficient with better organization of tasks. Google's problems will now be sorted by task and have a status automatically applied by Google (if the latter detects a change, the status changes to function).

- Make work together on a more effective Search Console account. New sharing options will be deployed to give more visibility on what has been done and what remains to be done.

- Make the return of Google on the optimizations performed more instantaneous. So far, the webmasters who make changes must wait some time Google re-crawl for their changes and indicates whether or not the issue has been resolved. With this new version of the Console Search, Google wants to make this almost instant return allowing webmasters to directly test their changes and then inviting Google has re - crawler site more quickly if the test results were positive so that the engine takes into account quickly changes in its search results.
- Give more visibility to webmasters on the rendering in the search results. Now many more preview tools, new Google Search Console tools will integrate in the SERPs once changes made, tested and validated. These same tools will also give direct access to source codes for some optimization, allowing webmasters to make changes more easily while comparing their source code with the resources made available by Google.

The 2 New features revealed :

1 - Report on the State of the indexing will clearly evolve 

he new report dedicated to the indexing status will continue to show the number of pages indexed in Google but now will go further in indicating why some pages could not be indexed including.
The reworked report will also present examples of non-indexed pages and will provide advice on how to correct the problems encountered by Google in their attempt to index and crawl.


This new report dedicated to the indexing will also integrate functionality related to the submission of sitemaps. Users will get a filtered view of the index graph by choosing to view only the data associated with these pages in a sitemap in particular.

2-A new and more comprehensive and effective AMP report

The new report dedicated to AMP will begin with a report on errors to be corrected. The errors will be grouped by type of problem.

new-indexing- report-amp-search-console

Developers and referrals will be able to see more details on the click Problem. Examples of affected pages will be communicated by Google and a button to check the changes made will be added.
Once the bug is corrected, it will be possible to ask Google to recrawl almost instantly the pages previously affected by the problem so that it can update its search results ASAP.

The report will indicate the status of the Recrawl. Google will also inform webmasters when the changes made have been validated by GoogleBot by a change in the status of the previously detected problem.

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Google Search Console : new design and new reports coming ! Reviewed by Tech news on August 17, 2017 Rating: 5 Google Webmaster Tools was born more than 10 years ago and incorporated only 4 reports originally. Renamed from Google Search Console, the...

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