How to Adding value to your blog posts? - Xtreme Tech News

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Jul 25, 2017

How to Adding value to your blog posts?

If you have a blog, you may have already told you that it was necessary to "bring added value 'through your content to stand out, stand out, emerge from all existing blogs.

But what is meant by this phrase? How to prove himself and show that stands out from the others? Is it at all costs approach a novel about?

To me, the value is not a miracle idea that will make your blog unforgettable ... but rather a set of little things that will make your site a credible source and trustworthy. Which ones? This is what we will see in this article!

How to give added value to its content?

The added value is to other useful content

Among the thousands of sites that exist, how to assert its uniqueness?

1. Finding out what makes you unique, it's a part of your personality / your experience, skill, passion ... Think about what is often told you in your surroundings on your strengths and peculiarities.

2. By having goals: imagine that you must perform work with a group of people. Will you help the group and bring your stone to the building if you have no idea what the purpose and nature of the work? Hard to believe ! When you write, ask yourself the same question: what is your goal?

3. Knowing who you're talking: it's a lesson I learned after a few months of blogging. Although it desperately wants to please everybody, it will never be the case and it is better to get to know your most loyal readers, it will be easier to talk to them and offer them content that matches them.

4. Writing for others: content that provides added value, useful content to Internet users who read you. He will answer questions, come fill a perceived need or solve a problem they face.

5. Being generous: it's not just published an article evasive and let your readers cope with. Do not be stingy with explanations and discussions. It is often better to publish a little less often but to offer really searched content as writing an article to hurry "because you feel compelled to publish something."

6. In going beyond mere facts: Anyone is able to search for information on a topic and make an article. However, the experience is unique: share stories, quoting people who inspire you, tell stories, interviewing other people ... Your articles will enrich naturally.

7. You are not commercial: today, many blogs have a commercial intent underlying. However, keep in mind that your blog is not a billboard in modern times. Satisfy a need is what "pays" the most, literally as figuratively. The video "Sell me this pen! "Good shows.

The added value, build trust

A blog that brings added value, it is also a blog that inspires confidence so as to put the reader in a good mood to be interested in the content. To me, it goes through both that exudes personality and much more palpable elements of your site.
your personality

A blog has added value if it feels you someone genuine who is not trying to rip people off or to peddle their any offer for the sole purpose of making money.

1. Be honest: do not hide behind a personality that is not yours, it ends sooner or later be noticed. For example, I would be able to write about a marketing tone with a lot of spectacular adjectives but it does not match my personality. My favorite slogan is rather that of the Gandi hosting, "No bullshit". And I assume it !

2. Be grateful: a blogger who presents himself as someone omnipotent, who knows everything about everything, thinks maybe he brings tremendous value ... but in reality is often the opposite will happen: users will be wary. Feel free to thank your teachers and those who influence you to share content you find interesting outside of you ...

3. Do not forget where you come from: almost all blogs have started the same way, by an interstellar space without traffic and without notoriety. Once things start to get better, it is very easy to forget this delicate period. You inspire more confidence if you know remain accessible.

4. Be curious: the added value of what is offered to the reader is also built around the desire to learn that one can have. It is by seeing what is happening elsewhere that is possible to identify his own thoughts, develop their knowledge or to question some beliefs that one can have.

5. Be transparent: I do not just mean because of articles sponsored report as such but also to ensure to adopt the highest ethical standards. Do not plagiarize, credit your sources if you take information, etc.

6. Be visible: difficult to inspire confidence when it disappears for several months and that it is expressed only through a rare blog post. Today there are a multitude of tools and methods that can help you keep some visibility: plan publications on social networks, respond to comments from your readers, etc.

7. Be humble: it's not for you to judge if you bring value to others but your readers. I had the misfortune, there is not long to fall into a company that tasted a little too excessive for the word "expert", together with all the time and all modes.

The real expert does not usually need to say that he is expert: expertise is expressed through the quality and accuracy of what it offers. Similarly, if you make a mistake - it can happen to everyone without question your qualities, so do not be afraid or ashamed to acknowledge publicly, to correct and apologize if necessary.

8. Know your limits admit: it happened to me on the blog to receive a matter of sharp code to which I could not answer, not being a web developer. Rather than refer the person on the wrong track or ignore it, you better be honest and direct it to people who will help. Contrary perhaps to what you believe, by doing that you are away from you downgrade, you show rather you not fooling anyone.
your blog

The added value is also reflected in the care you bring to your blog.

1. A neat design that does not multiply colors and fancy fonts. For a professional, choosing a domain name and a reliable web host that provides good quality service is also essential.

2. A spelling as correct as possible. In the absence of this gift naturally, use a concealer and extra caution especially if, like me, you write your articles with voice recognition (sometimes with enough creative ideas spelling matters!). For proof, I meant "IXUS" Canon in my last article, I wrote software "the X sucks". Hmm.

3. A well-structured content: web writing can be learned. Of course, this is not a snap you'll master topics such as search keywords but reading some articles, you can at least learn good practices to make your articles more readable and better structure.

4. Do not remain hidden: the presence of a contact form and imprint, beyond its legal significance, is testament to more confidence. The presence of an About page also allows your blog to humanize and give weight to your word.


In my eyes, bring added value is as much a matter of substance (originality of content, interest, editorial quality, etc.) a matter of attitude. The kindness and generosity are two assets that, in the service of a blog, designed to offer more than just a product ... and offer solutions, emotion or inspiration to those who read you.

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How to Adding value to your blog posts? Reviewed by Tech news on July 25, 2017 Rating: 5 If you have a blog, you may have already told you that it was necessary to "bring added value 'through your content to s...

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