Sweden leaks the personal data of millions of its citizens - Xtreme Tech News

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Jul 25, 2017

Sweden leaks the personal data of millions of its citizens

Sweden leaks  the personal data of millions of its citizens


We know a little bit more about the data leakage that Sweden suffered in 2015 and 2 years later, it can be clearly said that it is to be classified in the category of data leakage "ultra violent stinging ++".

In 2015, the Swedish Transport Agency, which depends on the government, uploaded to the IBM cloud the entire database that contains information on all vehicles used in the country by individuals, but also by the military, police and even persons under the witness protection regime. We might as well say the personal data of millions of people.

And these antlers then sent a clear email with the base, uncleaned of its sensitive data, to the marketing professionals who had registered to receive it. (yes, in France too, the personal data provided as part of the edition of Grey Cards are sold to marketers.) "It's disgusting, but since we have to be less than 5 in the country to find it abused, it passes."

But that's not all. IBM employees outside the country had access to these data without further control.

This story dates from 2 years ago (2015), the leak was discovered 1 year ago (2016) and the investigation began only in January 2017. The Director of the transport Agency was fired and was ordered to pay a fine of 7300 euros for "negligence concerning secret information".
But the news about the extent of the fail start coming out and so we know exactly what there is in this file: the max weight supported by every road and every bridge in the country (which is important information in time of war) the names, pictures and addresses of the Swedish Air Force combat pilots names photos and addresses of all those who are registered in a font file (normally classified information)

 The names, photos and addresses of military personnel working in the most secret unit of Elite of the country (the equivalent of the COS - command of Special Operations of the Marine infantry parachutist, the Commandos Regiment Marine... etc).

The names, photos and addresses of all the people who have gave new identities as part of a witness protection program.

    The type, model, weight and failures of all Government and military vehicles.


In short, big scandal on the horizon in the land of ABBA


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Sweden leaks the personal data of millions of its citizens Reviewed by Tech news on July 25, 2017 Rating: 5 Sweden leaks  the personal data of millions of its citizens We know a little bit more about the data leakage that Sweden suff...

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