Windows 10 Guide - From Zero to Hero - Xtreme Tech News

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Jun 16, 2017

Windows 10 Guide - From Zero to Hero

After multiple beta versions and long months of waiting, Windows10 is finally released. Microsoft put so much focus on this new version that Windows division director Terry Myerson hopes to reach the billion users by 2017-2018 .The editor of Redmond listened to his users, often disappointed by Windows 8, and made many corrections and compromises.

 But even if the operating system is a mix between Windows 7 and 8.1, it offers an impressive amount of novelties, which were not found in either operating system.

But what is so interesting about this new version?


Windows 10 is full of new features, starting with the big return of the Start button . This is a new look compared to Windows 7, and mixes both a list of text shortcuts and tile-shaped icons in Windows 8. The big advantage over this The last menu is that the Start menu is no longer displayed in full screen (even if this option is enabled, it is disabled by default on non-touch devices). It is thus much more discreet.
At the same time, Windows Store applications, known as Modern UI applications or Metro applications , are no longer running full-screen. They are almost identical to the software that we have always known on PCs. But their main interest is that in the long run they will become compatible with smartphones and tablets.  SSAs a result, these universal applications (the name Microsoft gives them) can be used on Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, or even the Xbox One.

Microsoft Edge, Cortana and HoloLens

.The new features of Windows 10 do not stop in this way, since you also benefit from a notifications center and unlocked possibilities of unlocking the computer ( Windows Hello ). We also enjoy a new browser, Microsoft Edge , which succeeds the ancestral Internet Explorer. And we have a voice assistant, Cortana, who is able to make appointments, launch applications, do research on the Net or check the weather. And there are still a lot of new features that we have not addressed, such as virtual desktops, the Continuum function, or even HoloLens , the virtual reality system, which also runs under Windows 10 and Microsoft could launch by end of the year.
In short, the novelties of this edition are so numerous, that they deserved well a complete grasp. The file that follows will evolve rapidly, in order to respond, hopefully, to all your expectations. Do not hesitate to post a comment at the bottom of the page if you have any questions.

Make a backup of its old system

If you want to install Windows 10 on your PC , only one recommendation: make a backup of your old system, as well as your personal files. A mistake, a problem on the hard drive or the SSD, or even a power failure (consider all disaster scenarios), and you could lose all of your data when installing the new system. The advantage of a backup is that you will be able to restore all or part of your data in case the update of Windows 10 does not proceed as planned.
There are two possible backup options:

1 / Save the entire system and documents in a large "image" file.

This technique allows you to restore the entire system in one go if a problem occurs. Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 offer such a possibility by default, no need to invest in a dedicated backup software.
  • In Windows 7, you will find this option from the Control Panel and the System and Security > Backup Computer functions . Then click Configure Backup . The backup can not be performed on the same partition as the source (it makes sense): you will need a hard disk or a USB key, or even a blank DVD or Blu-Ray . And if you have a NAS, you can even save it on the NAS via the Save on a network option. Select the media on which you want to save your system and its data, and then click Next . Then enable the Leave Windows option (recommended) option , then press the Save Settings button and run the backup . If things go wrong when you install Windows 10, you can restore the backup you just made using the Windows 7 installation DVD.
  • Under Windows 8 or 8.1, the backup operation is identical, except that you can find it via the Control Panel and enter the term Backup . Click Save Backup Copies of your files using File History , and then in the left frame at the bottom, select the System Image Backup feature.

2 / Save only personal data.

In this case, a simple copy and paste from the My Documents directory is sufficient, copy and paste that you will make to an external disk or a USB key. Windows 8 offers a more interesting option, which even allows you to save a backup of all your files (music, video, photos, documents) at regular intervals. You can find this option from the File History function, mentioned above.

Switching from Windows 7 to Windows 10

This is it, you have decided to install Windows 10 on your PC, already equipped with Windows 7 . The good news is that you can do it right now via the web. First of all, remember that the update from Windows 7 to Windows 10 is totally free . Whether you have a Starter version of Window 7 or an Ultimate edition, you can migrate your operating system to the latest version of the OS. Of course, you will not necessarily have the Professional edition, but you can at least qualify for the Family version. 
Here is a small table that summarizes the different migration possibilities:
Windows 7 Starter Edition
Windows 10 Family
Windows 7 Home Basic
Windows 10 Family
Windows 7 Home Premium
Windows 10 Family
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition
Windows 7 Professional

To update your operating system, there are several ways to do this:

1 / Attempt to go through the Windows Update of Windows 7.

Begin by first updating your system, otherwise Windows 10 will not appear in the updates offered by Microsoft. The Windows Update is accessible through the Control Panel. Install all important OS updates, and then restart the system. Launch the Windows Update again: Windows 10 should appear. Then run the installation process, which will take between 45 and 60 minutes depending on your hardware and software configuration.

2 / Download the migration tool proposed by Microsoft.


If Windows 10 remains unavailable in the Windows Update, Retrieve the installation tool proposed by Microsoft, available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. To see which version of Windows you have (32 or 64?), Go to Control Panel and click System and Security , and then click System . The version of your OS is indicated at the level of the System Type line. Run the MediaCreationTool file that you just retrieved. The software offers two options: either upgrade the OS now, or create an installation media. If you choose the first method, the system will download a large installation file, but it will erase after the operation. By selecting the second option, you can create a DVD or a USB flash drive to install or update the OS, which you can reuse at will. This same media will also serve as a restoration support, in case the OS would come to plant. You will have understood, better to choose for the second option.

In all cases, the upgrade to Windows 10 is quite long. Count down to almost an hour , depending on the power of your PC and your download speed. You do not need to do anything during the installation process unless you enter your Microsoft ID and password at the end of the update (unless you decide to create a local user account, which Is quite possible).

Switch from Windows 8 to Windows 10

The migration procedure from a PC with Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 is similar to the one described above. 
Here is a short summary of all the possibilities of upgrading to Windows 10:

Windows 8.1
Windows 10 Family
Windows 8.1 Professional
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 8.1 Pro Students 
Windows 7 Professional
Windows Phone 8.1 
Windows 7 Mobile

First point: before upgrading to Windows 10, first update your system. If it is still in 8.0, you must imperatively upgrade it to 8.1 . This update is available free of charge from the Windows Store of the operating system. Therefore, two methods of updating are available to you:

1 / Using Windows Update

Once updated, you should see a new icon in the taskbar prompting you to take advantage of Windows 10. If not, go to the Windows Update. Do not go through the PC Settings module, updating is not possible in Modern UI mode. Go to the Control Panel, and in the search field, enter the terms Windows Update . Search for available updates. You can now enjoy Windows 10.

2 / Load the Microsoft Migration Tool 

If, for any reason, the Windows Update refuses to load or install the Windows 10 update, do not worry. You are not the first to do this, and the solution is simple to set up. Go to and download the small update tool from Microsoft. To find out whether you need the 32-bit version or the 64-bit edition, go to the Computer Control Panel, click System and Security, and then click System. At the "System Type" line, you should find information about the OS version (32 or 64 bits, therefore).
Once the migration tool is loaded, launch it: Select Upgrade this PC now . The update can then begin.

Install two versions of Windows on the same PC
With Windows 10, Microsoft has pushed security completely. To such an extent that it is impossible to play certain games acquired legally, because of a flaw in their system of protection. 
Another problem is that some older devices that worked perfectly under Windows 7 may not run on Windows 10. No drivers have been updated for a long time and you can not enjoy your old hardware.
As a result, you may want to upgrade your computer and take advantage of Windows 10, but you want to continue using your old version of the system (Windows 7 or 8.1). Good news: this is quite possible and this, using a single registration key. As a result, no need to invest in two operating systems. Here's how:

1 / Back up the system

First, you can make a complete picture of your system, either using the tool provided in Control Panel and described on page 2, or via a tool like Macrium Reflect. This operation is not mandatory, but it can save you some time.

2 / Install Windows 10 (only) 

Then upgrade your system as described on page 4 (under Windows 7) or on page 5 (under Windows 8.1). You now benefit from Windows 10 and the registration key of your old system is associated with the new OS.

3 / Restore Windows 7 or 8.1 

Once the system is up to date, you need to revert to your old version of Windows. If you have a backup of your system as described in step 1, restore it either using the Windows Startup DVD or the DVD that came with your backup solution. If you do not have a full system backup, nothing is lost: you can "downgrade" Windows 10 within a month of installing it. This function can be accessed from Settings > Update and Security > Recovery > Move to .

4 / Install finally Windows 10 dual boot


After you restore your old OS, go to this page: microsoft . Recover and run the update tool, but this time click On the Create Installation Support function for another PC. Save the installation of Windows 10 on a USB key or DVD. Then restart your machine, taking care that the computer starts booting properly on the media you just created. Therefore, you can install Windows 10 in dual boot, that is, keeping your old installation of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, and taking advantage of the new OS at the same time. All on the same PC and using the same registration key of the OS.

Migrate from XP or Vista to Windows 10 :

If Microsoft has everything planned for the migration from a PC equipped with Windows 7 or 8 to run smoothly, this is not the case for an older system. The update tool is not intended to migrate from XP or Vista. In both cases, neither the programs nor the parameters will be retained, and everything will have to be reinstalled in the future. In addition, you will need to acquire a license, since the update is not free from any of these old operating systems.

How to migrate from Windows XP to Windows 10?


If you want to switch from Windows XP to Windows 10, make sure to save all your personal data (documents, photos, videos, music). Also make a backup of all your application preferences, especially your browser and possibly your messaging software if you use one. For each browser, there is a dedicated backup solution. 
 In the case of Firefox for example, call Mozbackup , which can also save your mail preferences under Thunderbird.Under Chrome, you can use Google Chrome Backup or the browser-based synchronization tool. And in Internet Explorer, it's BackRex you need. Once the backup is complete, you can install Windows 10. Note that there is a small trick to migrate from Windows XP to Windows 10: it consists of updating the system to Vista and then to Windows 7. But, Is quite long, and this requires you to stay under the same version of the OS (32 or 64 bits, since it is impossible to migrate from one 32-bit Windows to another 64-bit).


And since Vista, how?


As we have just seen, the automatic update from Windows Vista to Windows 10 is not possible either. As with Windows XP, you will need to make a backup of all your personal data and application preferences. On the other hand, if you have a Windows 7 installation DVD, try to upgrade to that OS. With a bit of luck, your version of Windows Vista may already be 64-bit. Therefore, you can very well launch an update from Vista to Windows 7, then from Windows 7 to Windows 10. This little trick will allow you to find all your software and their parameters without having to reinstall everything.

Become familiar with the new Start menu

When launching Windows 10 for the first time, you've noticed it, this little Start button , which has totally changed shape since Windows 7. Its functions have also been partially revised, and mix some elements of Windows 7 and 8.1. The Start menu, also known as the "Startup Screen", is one of the best entry points for Windows 10. Here's how to take advantage of it.

First Look at Start Menu 


As you can see, the Start menu is divided into two parts. On the left, we take advantage of a list of applications and functions, a list that looks similar to what we could find in Windows 7. It contains:
  • An access to the user account, which allows to modify the parameters, but also to lock the PC (the equivalent of the shortcut [Windows] + [L]) or even to disconnect.
  • A list of the most used elements.
  • A shortcut to the Explorer.
  • The PC Settings (a kind of Control Panel revised and corrected).
  • The On / Off / Restart / Sleep functions of the computer.
  • A menu to access all the programs installed on the PC.
In the right part of the Start menu you will find a series of small and large icons, called "tiles". These are in fact improved shortcuts, which allow you to launch applications (as under Modern UI), but also classic Windows software. Some tiles are able to show you various information, such as the one attached to the Weather application or the one that allows to consult the news.

Customize your Start menu

The Start menu is not an immutable thing: you can at any time enlarge or decrease its size, simply by holding the mouse down on its top or right edges. In addition, if the default layout of the tiles does not suit you, it is possible at any time to rearrange them by simply dragging and dropping. Simply select a tile and hold down the left mouse button while dragging it to where you want. Note that you can create "groups" of tiles, groups that you can rename at will.

Resize or erase some icons

Select a tile with the right mouse button. A short context menu is displayed. This is where you can change the size of the tiles in the Start menu. In this contextual menu, you have the option of "disabling the thumbnail", ie stopping the scrolling of the information and images displayed on each tile (useful for example if you do not feel like Your snapshots appear on the tile of the Photos application).

The Taskbar: always present, always more powerful


Since Windows 95, the Taskbar has remained faithful to the job. No version of the OS has omitted it for twenty years, and there is no reason for it to change. On the other hand, the taskbar has been enriched with many features in this edition. Here is a short tour of the owner.

Manage taskbar icons

To add applications to your taskbar, simply click the Start button, and then go to All Applications. Locate the software you want to include a shortcut to the taskbar, and right-click it. Select the Pin feature on the taskbar and you're done.
Pinning also works from the Explorer: by selecting an executable, you can add it to the taskbar by simply dragging and dropping (without going through a context menu this time). 

The notification center keeps you informed of the status of the PC

 Also from the taskbar , you can see that a small white icon has been added to the right end, next to the time. This is the Notification Center . This one is very strongly inspired by what is done on Windows Phone (or Windows 10 Mobile, from now on). It allows to be informed of the latest problems encountered by the system, updates made and to benefit from some advice from Microsoft.
It also has a series of small icons, similar to the icons on the Start menu. These icons make it possible to switch instantly in tablet mode, to prevent rotation of the screen (always for tablets or even some touch PCs) or to access the parameters of the PC.

Cortana knows how to answer all your requests   

We will come back to it a bit later as its features are numerous, but here is a quick little preview of Cortana. The Voice Assistant is accessible from the Taskbar, and can be called in a variety of ways. Obviously, you can initiate a query by simply entering text, but you can also do it orally by pressing the icon that represents a small microphone. It is then sufficient to utter a question or keywords aloud. And it is even possible to call him by pronouncing the words "Hey Cortana". The assistant is supposed to answer all your questions, make appointments, open an application, launch a music album stored on your PC or your OneDrive account, and so on.

How to hide Cortana if it is not useful? 

If you think that Cortana has no use, you can easily remove its search field from the taskbar . Right-click on it, then go to Cortana> Hidden . Selecting Show Cortana icon (rather than Hidden) allows you to delete the search field while keeping a quick access button to the voice assistant.

Windows 10 Settings tool


Windows 10 sees the introduction of a new tool to adjust the operating system, to set user preferences, to reset the machine completely, and so on. This module, which does not completely replace the Control Panel, can still be substituted for it in most cases. Here are some of its most essential functions.

Go to Windows 10 Settings 

This new feature can be accessed by pressing the Start button and clicking Settings . You can also launch it via the Notification Center and select the All settings option. Finally, and it's even faster: you can access it by simply pressing the [Windows] + [I] keys.

Adjust the display

When you click on the System function in the Settings module, you have a multitude of functions that allow you to control messages from the notification center, activate tablet mode, manage power options, and more. But this small module also offers you to control the display parameters of the PC. This is where you can change the font size on the screen or change the brightness of the screen. Then click Advanced Display Settings . You can then change the resolution of your screen and manage a multi-screen display.

Manage your network


Return to the Settings main screen. This time on Network and Internet. Much simpler than the Control Panel tools, this feature allows you to manage your Wi-Fi or Ethernet network. It allows you to add a new wireless or wired device in seconds and enter the corresponding security key. But this same module also allows you to control your data consumption, a very appreciable option if you connect in 3G or 4G, for example.

Customize Windows 10

All options to change the wallpaper, select an image when you lock the computer, or simply change the colors of the windows or the taskbar, are in the Customize feature. You will also be able to download new themes, available free of charge on the Microsoft website. Note that some of these functions actually refer to the Classic Control Panel.

Getting Started with File Explorer

If you were using Windows 8 or 8.1 until now, you only notice a few slight differences in the Explorer, which mainly concern the icons of the OS. On the other hand, if you were using an older version of the operating system, expect more changes.

An Explorer divided into several parts

To open File Explorer, use the Start button, or double-click the desktop icon labeled This PC , or press the [Windows] + [E] key combination. As you can see, the Explorer is divided into three parts: on the left is a list of shortcuts to the various hard disks, DVD players and USB sticks of your computer. OneDrive, as well as multimedia elements (photos, music and videos) are also available.
In the right-hand part of the Explorer are the folders being consulted, while at the top the ribbon is found. Note also the presence of a small search frame and an address bar, which makes it possible to instantly navigate from one directory to another, or to enter a network location (provided you know your IP address or Its name on the network).

Show explorer ribbon

When you open the Explorer window, you will notice a large band of icons located at the top and called "Ribbon".Introduced in the Office suite, and then resumed in Windows 8 and 8.1, Windows 10 has therefore also this function. If the tape does not appear, simply click on the icon [^] located at the top right under the window closing cross.

Automatically back his personal data

Windows 10 offers a fast and effective way to save at regular intervals all your personal data . With this feature, it will then be possible to find them in case of total crash of the internal disk or mishandling (such as deleting or overwriting a comprehensive directory, for example). This operation is not enabled by default, but it is ultimately quite simple to implement. Here's how to do it:

Access File History

Open the center Settings , accessible from the Start menu, or press the [Windows] + [I]. See you in part Update and Security , and then click Backup .

Restore data from the USB stick or external drive

  Once launched the backup, you can restore it whenever you want. If you want to recover the backup of a file or a complete directory, visit again in the Backup tool (click Start , then Settings and Update and security ). Select the function More Options and scroll the window that opens to the bottom. Click Restore files from a backup in progress . Here you can select the directories to restore. Note that it is possible to find the various 'stages' in a folder,steps performed according to the backup frequency that you previously specified.

Register the system fully

After backing up your data, you may want to make a complete backup of your operating system. Windows 10 has such a feature dedicated to this purpose, no need to purchase a paid software like Acronis True Image . But it is well hidden and, as history files, it is not enabled by default. Here's how to enjoy:

Access the full backup feature 

Press the Start button and go function parameters . Click Update and security , then head on the option Backup . Select Access function to the tool up and restore (Windows 7) and finally click Create a system image .

Select the recording destination 

  In the new window that appears, select the location where your system backup will be saved. It can be an external hard drive, a DVD or Blu-Ray or a network location (eg NAS, or even a shared folder from another PC in the house ). Once your selected destination, press the Next .

Start Backup

The backup module will inform you then about the partitions that will be recorded (in theory, you should have at least two: the partition containing Windows, and that which is reserved for system and contains information of start and restoration of 'BONE). Press the Start Backup . The operation is quite long: allow at least fifteen minutes before it ends. The good news is that you can continue working on your PC while it occurs. In the end backup, the module asks you if you want to create a system repair disc. Accept: it may still be useful in times of hardship.

Creating a system disk

In case of problems, no need to call for service: the operating system has a survival kit, freely accessible and free. But above all, it is much better to create a system disk , allowing you to start the same machine with Windows 10 obstinately refuses to run.

Option 1: Create a CD or DVD 

Open the Control Panel, then head on System and Security . Visit the function Backup and Restore (Windows 7). In the left column, click Create a system repair disc . Incidentally, the famous system disk can also be created at the time of the full backup of the OS (see previous page: fully Register the system ). Finally, note that this recovery media is necessarily a CD or DVD, and can not be a USB key.

Option 2: Use the Windows installation disk 10 

Unlike Windows 7 or 8.1, the ISO image of Windows 10 is officially released and freely upon its release. This ISO image not only allows you to install the new operating system, but also to start on a USB stick or DVD in case of problems, and therefore to fix the system. This ISO image and the necessary tool to its copy on a DVD or a bootable drive.

Repairing Windows 10

Windows10 , like any operating system, is not immune to failure . Its origin can be hardware (SSD or HDD just let go ...) or software (a bad driver installed, an update that you have problems, mishandling by the user. ..). In case of system malfunction or even unbootable, do not panic: Windows 10 has several tools dedicated to its restoration. Here's how to do it:

Case 1: launch the repair tool PC 

If the system shows signs of weakness, but still starts, you need to access the repair tool. To do this ,, click the Start button and proceed to the function parameters . Then go on Update and security , then Recovery . Then select the features advanced Start > Restart Now .

Case 2: Using a system disk 

If the PC will not boot at all, call the system disk or installation that you just created (see previous page). If the system does not automatically start on this disc or USB key appointments in the computer's BIOS. Change the order of boot devices, so that the OS starts well on the disc or USB key.

Repairing easily Windows 10

In the repair screen that appears, click Troubleshooting . Go to Advanced Options . Select the function tool system reboot . The repair module then attempts a repair of the most important elements needed to start Windows 10. Then select the administrator account on your computer, enter your password. The tool makes a small computer diagnostic and repair if necessary all damaged files (or restores if they have been deleted).

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Windows 10 Guide - From Zero to Hero Reviewed by Tech news on June 16, 2017 Rating: 5 After multiple beta versions and long months of waiting,  Windows10  is finally released.   Microsoft put so much focus on this...

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