How to reduce your data consumption on Android? - Xtreme Tech News

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Jun 28, 2017

How to reduce your data consumption on Android?

 Our use of data is now exponential. Between web browsing, social networks, emails, watching videos and files, many shipments are mobile users who regularly exceed the fair - use imposed by their operator. Pending the arrival of truly unlimited offerings, here are some tips to limit your consumption of data on your Android smartphone.

 If you want to avoid over consumption of mobile data, a simple solution is offered to you: disable mobile data regularly. This may seem brutal to those who seek to receive their emails and other notifications permanently. If you do not want to happen, here are some tips to reduce your consumption of data.


 Reduce the use of data in the background

 your consumption of data does not happen when you use your mobile. Many applications are updated in the background without any action on your part. This is the case of emails, Facebook or Twitter for example. The refreshment of the Facebook data is not essential and could be triggered at the launch of the. For this, go to the settings, and uses of the data (the wording may differ depending on the mobile).

 You then go to the list of data-consuming applications. It is up to you to select which one you want to restrict. It will update when you are connected again to Wirless.

 Disabling the synchronization of your accounts 

the automatic synchronization of your email accounts in the background may not be required. Indeed, the smartphone is permanently connected with the Google server to check for the presence of new messages. Why not disable this automation and update your mails (or other accounts) yourself? For this, direction the settings of your smartphone,Then accounts and click More or the action overflow (the 3 small dots on the top right).



Activating Google Chrome's Data saver 

 it's  an interesting feature in its web browser. The Data saver works like a VPN, and the pages accessed from the mobile go through the Google servers to be compressed before being redistributed on your mobile. Note that this compression is not considered for SSL pages or private browsing.  It still saves precious mo on your package.

 Data compression with Opera Max 

 Opera Max is an Android application that allows you to compress all the data that comes in and out of the phone. Opera servers then intercept the information (text, images, and video) to compress them so that the user uses less data. Opera Max allows you to compress both Web browsing and the use of an application like Facebook, YouTube or even Netflix. The application then saves about 50% of its data package.

 Allow the update your applications except by WiFi

 is not necessary and can wait until you are connected to WiFi. To disable the ability to update your apps in 3G or 4G, go in the Store and then settings and automatic update of apps. Here, several choices are available to you: completely disable automatic update of apps, authorize at any time or only in WiFi. The last choice being the wiser, to be always up-to-date without blowing your plan data.

 Change the quality of streaming on Spotify/Deezer and YouTube

 streaming music and video applications are great data consumers. It can be good tone to reduce the quality of streaming in the settings of Deezer or Spotify. Video side, YouTube is also very consumer of data, and it is possible to directly restrict the quality of the video. For this, go to the settings of YouTube, general settings and finally "restrict the use of mobile data".

 Applications running offline

  feel free to browse our selection of GPS applications running offline to save even a few hundred MB on your package. Also consider applications to save data for offline consultation, as does very well Pocket for the consultation.

Different applications available on the Store to reduce your data usage. The most popular is Onavo Extend, which is responsible for compressing all data before sending back them on your smartphone. However its use is not recommended for video or streaming.

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How to reduce your data consumption on Android? Reviewed by Tech news on June 28, 2017 Rating: 5  Our use of data is now exponential. Between web browsing, social networks, emails, watching videos and files, many shipments are mobile us...

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