No traffic? Here's a simple strategy to attract visitors - Xtreme Tech News

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Jun 28, 2017

No traffic? Here's a simple strategy to attract visitors

You sit at your desk. You start your computer.

You take a ride on your Analytics account as well as on the account of your auto-responder. A deep sigh escapes from your body and your soul.

Why is the number of subscribers to your mailing list so low? Why is there not more visitors to your blog? And when did your blog will finally take off, and have enough customers to generate substantial sales?

We all know: blogging, it's work. Those who tell you otherwise are lying to you. But you need to make your efforts pay finally?

You have to cross your fingers? Hope that your traffic will effect snowball and grows day by day? Pray that the customers are flocking to their mail box and send you messages to ask what type of service you offer?

Did you put in place the essential elements to attract readers and customers?

If you want to create a simple blogging strategy that will help you to gain more readers, fans and customers, answer the five questions below. Sounds good to you?
So let's start with the first question:

1- Who is your fan?

You are targeting can be 100, 1000, or even 10,000 readers on your blog.
But if you think of the kind of big numbers, you won't see more than a crowd of faceless people. And when you write to a crowd of faceless people, your writing becomes bland, dull and boring.
You think that Stephen King to view its millions of readers when he wrote his best-sellers?
Of course not. In his book writing (where he writes about writing), King reveals that he wrote for a single person - his wife. When he writes, he does not have the millions of fans who are looking forward to the release of his new book.
Do you know your number one fan?
Can you imagine him answering the phone, trying to make a joke, and reacting to your last published article? Your ideal reader, your number one fan, can be an imaginary person, it could be your favorite client, or a mix of all.
To really see your number one fan, go beyond the demographic elements. Understand his dreams and against what he is fighting. Be emphatic with him and inspire him.

2- why your fan would read your blog?

Your blog helps you achieve a number of goals – whether it's attracting more traffic to your site, developing your career, attracting customers to live off your blog ...But have you thought about what he does for your fan? Why would he read your blog?
Your reader is not interested in your personal and financial goals. He doesn't want to hear about your sales pitches, your promotional offers, or even the history of your business.
He just wants to know what's for him in your blog. How can your articles solve problems? How can you make him happier, or give him more success in his life?
Here's a quick exercise to get there: 

(1) don't think about your own goals.
(2) stop worrying, your business and your sales.
(3) to finish this sentence: my number one fan reads my blog because I'm helping him .

for Example: 

-  If you are a developer, you can help entrepreneurs by creating a site optimized to attract traffic and convert a maximum.

 - If you are a personal development coach, you can help shy people by teaching them how to approach others, and helping them find someone in their lives.

   - If you are a marketing coach, you can help freelancers find their first big customer, and sign this contract.

For example, I coach bloggers, and I help them attract more traffic to their site, get more registrants, and generate more sales.

The purpose of your blog is defined by how you can help your readers. Once you have found it, stay focused to engage and inspire.It's like this that your blog becomes a reference blog in your niche, and that everyone comes to read you and ask your services.

3- what every blog article helps your fan?

Do you write for yourself or for your number one fan?
To engage your readers and make your blog a real small business profitable, you must write to your fans. You must write about the topics they are passionate about. Don't wait to have to publish your next article to find ideas for topics. Instead, spend 30 minutes at the end of this article to brainstorm at least 30 ideas.

Here's how you can generate 30 ideas in less than 30 minutes...

First, stay away from your computer, and think about your favorite fan. Then, start your brainstorming session by answering these questions, and always keeping in mind the basic principle of "your blog should really help your fan:

What are his dreams?
 What are his desires?
 What are his fears?
 What are his frustrations?
 What are the tough decisions he has to make?
 What are the mistakes he commits?
 What are the topics that he follows, online as off-line?

Instead, create your business from your blog, which truly helps your readers.
You will see that at that time everything will change, and there are many requests for your products and services in your Inbox.

4-what your fans can find you?

Promoting your content may seem complicated, blurry, or sometimes unnecessary ... when it's paramount!
If you don't promote your content, all those potential readers who would love to read your articles will never see them. They will never come to your blog, and they will never become your customers. So for God's sake, follow these few recommendations to promote your content:

Practice the guest blogging: practicing the guest blogging (i.e. the art of publishing guest articles) is the fastest way to boost your (authority 2) earn quality links in the direction of your site (Google adores) 3) boost your traffic and convert the visitors who come in enrolled, to make your mailing list bigger. I advise you very strongly to put you to the guest blogging. This is how I got started, that I made my blog known, and that I drew 400 registered in less than 4 months, while generating sales shortly after my launch. If you want to know more about the method I used to achieve these goals by using the guest items in particular, you can take a look at this complete article.

Be active on some social networks: fashionable among the marketing gurus is to tell you to create an account on each social network that exists, and to publish on it. That's all just silly. Instead, prefer platforms where your audience is, where you know that your readers are present, and be active on it... but only on them! Otherwise, you will disperse and wasting time that could be used for something more efficient.

Try the direct promotion: most bloggers are afraid to do this because they think it's a bit too winded... what I want to talk? Direct promotion. That is to say to send emails directly to influencers and big bloggers of your theme, they relay your items. But let me tell you one thing: If your content is good and credible, the big bloggers that you contact will be happy to share your article on their social networks, or even to a small link. And the best? This will give a huge boost to your traffic.

5-do you build relationships with your readers?

It's easy to forget that people buy from other people. It is a concept which is cliché, but who is still true.
Before your readers not to buy your products or not you hire for your services, you must create a relationship with them:

-  invite them to join your mailing list by providing a quality bonus, and not just a vulgar 5 page PDF to collect their email.

 -  Allow your readers to know a little more, by infusing your writing with personality, and by telling personal anecdotes sometimes in your articles.

- Work on your about page.
Help your readers through the advice you give in your articles a lot, and write them with a big dose of empathy: so you'll be able to see the world through the eyes of your readers, and understand them, and so inspiring.

- To turn your readers into avid fans and customers loyal, be a good friend. Don't treat them not just as numbers present in your Google Analytics interface, or on the menu to your auto-responder.

Here are the instructions :

Ready  to generate serious results with your blog?

Follow these steps. During the next five days, block 30 minutes in your schedule to do a review of your blog:

- The first Day, create the profile of your number one fan. You can use the document that I set you free highest download for it.

- The second day, write the purpose of your blog, and find out why your fans come to your blog

- The third day, think of your number one fan and write at least 30 subjects which he would like to hear about. 

 - The fourth day, review your strategy for your blog. How can you reach more people with the time you have available? What are the activities that you can eliminate (to save time and concentrate on the basics with your blog)? What are you going to test as a strategy?
- Finally, on the fifth day, work your email marketing strategy. Ask yourself this question: How can you tie a relationship pocket with your fans when they sign up to your list?

 The simple truth about your blog and your business

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No traffic? Here's a simple strategy to attract visitors Reviewed by Tech news on June 28, 2017 Rating: 5 You sit at your desk. You start your computer. You take a ride on your Analytics account as well as on the account of y...

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