Netvigie: a new solution of monitoring to measure the performance of your web site - Xtreme Tech News

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Jun 28, 2017

Netvigie: a new solution of monitoring to measure the performance of your web site

 Measuring the performance of a website is important to ensure its quality. It is of course a need to find out if your site loads quickly, but also to ensure the satisfaction of users. This last point is particularly important, a user that is expected because of a time loading too long won't stay on your website and will leave the page before its full load. There are tools to monitor your website and measure its performance. This is the case of Netvigie which the new Real User Monitoring solution allows using a tag to integrate, compatible with a platform of tag management, to measure the performance of your site automatically and live.

Measure the performance of your website

site specifically Netvigie allows you, through several metrics to measure and analyze the performance of your web site regardless of the context of navigation of users (device, location, browser, OS,...). The KPIs of analysis are many: loading time of a page web (from a technical point of view and user), JS error detection...

  Evolution of  your website performance:




In this menu, you can access a summary of your site's performance: time network (DNS, connection), time applications (loading the 1st byte, HTML), total loading time and time felt user are shown. You can choose a date range for the evolution of these data in time and always under your real traffic.

   Device Performance Analysis


 Netvigie allows you a fine analysis of the performance experienced by device. Gives you the segmentation of your hearing by device, user experience, and the details of your audience (number of pages, number and average duration of sessions, encountered... JS error number), there still according to the used device. In the case of the moderator's Blog, we find that the average length of session on desktop is 2 times longer than on smartphone and time feel user is 60% more important than on mobile PC. Performance on mobile must be optimized.

 Browser analysis and operating system

 It is important to incorporate the concept of traffic in this analysis. In fact, the best combination of browser / OS does not necessarily concern the majority of Internet users. This is why Netvigie allows to correlate these data with the share of traffic. Allows you to determine which combinations are to optimize in priority for an impact on the user experience of a maximum of Internet users.

    Performance by geolocation analysis

 Geolocation analysis provides a high level of information by country, Region and to the town of connection of the user. This analysis will be all the more useful for websites having an international activity. In addition to visibility to the nearest of users, this measure of performance by location to confirm your CDN commitments.

Create customer courses optimized in a course

 user type 40% of the users leave the site if the loading time is greater than 3 seconds. A figure that shows the importance of measuring its performance. If they experience difficulties in navigation, 7 Internet users on 10 will not return. In addition, all pages of your website have not equally. This is why the Netvigie solution allows to classify URLs in order to have visibility by category (corporate, product pages, landing page...). The tool is designed to analyze performance, determine the axes of improvement, and optimize the loading times.

 Netvigie gives all its importance to the ' time felt user ", a metrics that calculate the time elapsed between the beginning of the loading of the page and one where the user can begin interacting. Netvigie allows to analyze the performance experienced by real users on a given period but also average visibility by time of day. The tool cross visit with performance data in order to create (or not) correlations between the two factors. In the case of our site, there performance above normal, especially at night. Note that the data are based on real traffic that goes back into the tool with the tag integrated into the site.

 Visibility by browsing session

 Netvigie integrates a 'course' dimension in its analysis. For each user, you have not only information about its context of navigation (device, browser, location, and type of connection...), but also the detail of all URLs found during its session. For each page, you access the feelings time user and display cascading. The level of detail is such that for each category of resources (links, css...) you know the number of items and their loading time

 Analyzing the JS errors

 another great strength of netlookout is to be able to analyze JS errors while they are particularly complex to detect because it occurs only on the browser side. The tool gives us the type of errors, and their number of occurrences


 We know what line of code is concerned, and which pages contain these errors. This helps of course to improve the site, and in particular to avoid errors on the browser side, damaging to the user.

 Netvigie  live  Monitoring

site allows you also to monitor your site live and to have a lot of data that go back live.


 A clear and complete dashboard the real user monitoring of netlookout is a powerful and complete tool, and its very successful UX makes it easy to enjoy. The navigation is well thought out, the data neat and everything is visual. Netlookout makes it possible to make visible raw data, and to quickly know which axes of improvement you need to take. For use, the tool is really very practical and offers a complete vision of the performances experienced by the real users on your site. The tag installation is done in seconds and the data goes up instantly. The data must allow you to improve the user course, and therefore its satisfaction. To try the real user monitoring solution, go to this link, the trial is free for a week.

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Netvigie: a new solution of monitoring to measure the performance of your web site Reviewed by Tech news on June 28, 2017 Rating: 5  Measuring the performance of a website is important to ensure its quality. It is of course a need to find out if your site loads quickly...

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