iPhone X: After a leak on Youtube, a fired engineer ... because of his vlog girl - Xtreme Tech News

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Oct 30, 2017

iPhone X: After a leak on Youtube, a fired engineer ... because of his vlog girl

iPhone X: After a leak on Youtube, a fired engineer ... because of his vlog girl

iPhone X: After a leak on Youtube
credit :DUVAL Jean-Baptiste

If the leaks are more and more common and inevitable, Apple has always made its max to keep its revolutionary devices secret until their official marketing. A few days from the release date of the IPhone X, the smartphone has yet been entitled to an unwanted focus on Youtube via a video posted by the daughter of an employee of the brand. This one was simply fired by Apple.

We were talking about it last week. On Youtube, Brooke Amelia Peterson had seen the counter of her views soaring after showing off on Apple's IPhone X video.

The young lady, the daughter of an Apple brand engineer, had taken advantage of a meal with her father on the Apple campus of Cupertino to film the new, long-awaited baby.

Sensitive information revealed?

Despite the rapid withdrawal of the video, at the request of Apple, and an apology on the part of the vlogueuse, the punishment fell quickly. The father, Ken Bauer, was just fired by the firm. Harsh but understandable. 

The company has strict rules prohibiting any leakage, especially when it comes to a device not yet released, is filmed on its premises. In addition, this contained according to The Verge, various sensitive information, including via visible QRCode.

In a new video (available at the top of the news), Brooke describes this video as a "a simple and friendly good family" gone viral against his will.

 It does not include the proportion taken by this leak: "I don't have very little followers (...) I do videos just for fun. (...) There were so many X liPhone videos online. I didn't think for a moment that I violated the rules".

Despite his blunder and his regrets, Brooke Peterson saw his father pay for it. Obviously, she's trying to catch up as it can: "my father has assumed full responsibility for my Act, he remains an amazing and talented engineer". Yes, but out of a dream for some ephemeral views job.

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iPhone X: After a leak on Youtube, a fired engineer ... because of his vlog girl Reviewed by Tech news on October 30, 2017 Rating: 5 iPhone X: After a leak on Youtube, a fired engineer ... because of his vlog girl credit :DUVAL Jean-Baptiste If the leaks are...

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