Game of Thrones: A new theory about the rightful heir of the Iron Throne - Xtreme Tech News

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Aug 18, 2017

Game of Thrones: A new theory about the rightful heir of the Iron Throne

Game of Thrones counts hundreds of millions of fans around the world, from fans spending a good part of their free time to scaffolding theories about their favorite series. The latest one is not lacking in interest and it may interest some of them.

But before we continue reading this article, it is probably better to start with a brief warning.


This article refers to several elements of the plot of the series and this new theory is based on scenes and dialogue from the episode 5 of season 7

Game of Thrones: a revelation that changes everything

If you have not yet seen him, it will be better to spend your way in order not to spoil the surprise effect.

Eastwatch has been a rather intense episode. He in fact spent a lot of things and we especially had a wonderful scene between Drogon and Jon Snow. A scene which did not completely indifferent Daenerys and which shows unquestionably that the Khaleesi is not the last Targaryen still alive.

I think you know, but the King of the North has a special history. Raised as the bastard of Ned Stark, it actually is the son born of the union between the sister of the latter and the terrible Rhaegar Targaryen... either the older brother Viserys and Daenerys.

Read the the history of the Targaryen, the House who conquered Westeros in fire and blood

Haegar is also the son of the mad King and it was therefore legitimate to the Iron Throne heir until he is killed by Robert Baratheon at the battle of the Trident. Several years before his death, his father had decided to unite it to the Princess Elia Martel of Dorne, with whom he had two children: a girl named Rhaenys and a son named Aegon. Jon Snow wouldn't be so no child is legitimate and it would thus be the bastard of Rhaegar with Lyanna Stark.

A history of filiation and repudiation

However, the last episode of Game of Thrones is challenging.

If you have seen it, then you probably remember the brief exchange between Samwell and Gilly at the citadel of Mestres. The two lovebirds are each reading a book and Gilly abruptly interrupts his lover by asking him to explain a term: "repudiation".

Anxious, Samwell does not pay much attention to the question of his dulcinea, and he simply explains to him that this is a procedure to annul a marriage by referring the lawful wife. Gilly explains that Maester Maynard has ratified a repudiation for Prince Rhaegar ... before remarrying him with another.

It is unfortunately interrupted before it can give the name of the new promise of the prince, but it is not necessary to be a genius to make the connection with Lyanna Stark.

In this case and assuming that the writings of the Mestre say true, the true heir of the Iron Throne would be none other than our famous ... Jon Snow.

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Game of Thrones: A new theory about the rightful heir of the Iron Throne Reviewed by Tech news on August 18, 2017 Rating: 5 Game of Thrones counts hundreds of millions of fans around the world, from fans spending a good part of their free time to scaffolding the...

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