FOX NEWS Has filmed an UFO above the Capitol ? - Xtreme Tech News

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Aug 27, 2017

FOX NEWS Has filmed an UFO above the Capitol ?

Fox News recently aired a report on Capitol, a story in which viewers caught sight of an elongated shape flying over the building. The Ufologists amateurs and other conspiracy enthusiasts of all kinds have obviously given it to heart joy on social networks.


The Capitol is located in the Federal capital of the United States, in the city of Washington DC. Built in 1793, the building is currently the seat of the Congress and thus of the American legislative power.
He has a central role in the United States and is very regularly found in the spotlight.

The Capitol would have been visited by a UFO

Fox News has recently released a report dealing with the Congress, with images shot on the spot as an illustration.

Against all odds, a viewer showed up a few hours later on social networks by declaring that they saw a UFO in the sequence broadcast by the channel. Story of ramming the nail, he aired a video in which we see very clearly a yellow and white object spinning at a brisk pace across the sky and he sent the whole to the MUFON and thus to the Mutual UFO Network.

This funny name actually refers to an American organization non-profit created at the end of the 1960s. It is intended to investigate all cases of observation of unidentified flying objects and it account about three thousand members from the four corners of the world.

These members include about 800 investigators field through the continents in order to investigate the different cases reported by the population. The Organization organized in parallel an international symposium every year in order to share the fruits of his research.

A Retouched video

The video, of course, has not gone unnoticed and she was massively echoed within hours of being online. Among some UFO enthusiasts. Indeed, many feel that it is a new proof of the existence of an alien civilization.

Many, but not all. In reality, this sequence is not unanimous, and many people think that the flying object overview is nothing more than a Frisbee or a reflection.

However, by carefully observing the image, and by slowing down the speed of the flow, can point out that the object in question becomes transparent when it passes in front of the Capitol. In addition, the various openings on the building appear to as distorted in its path.

What can we deduce? Simply that this video has especially seem to be a wonderful montage meant to the buzz, a montage as we unfortunately often see on the canvas.

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FOX NEWS Has filmed an UFO above the Capitol ? Reviewed by Tech news on August 27, 2017 Rating: 5 Fox News recently aired a report on Capitol, a story in which viewers caught sight of an elongated shape flying over the building. The Ufol...

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