Professional blog : Tips to transform your self to a Professional Blogger - Xtreme Tech News

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Jul 16, 2017

Professional blog : Tips to transform your self to a Professional Blogger

To become wealthy in 1850, it was enough to go to California, to buy a shovel, a pickax and a piece of land. If there was gold for the neighbor, why would there not be for me too? After all, was the ground not the same for all? You just had to dig, be patient, and one morning we'd get up and finally see that little piece of rock shining. 

Because in reality, the first arrivals were used handsomely, and in just five years, the easy gold seams were already exhausted. We were buying information on a supposedly miraculous piece of land, we were getting ripped off, and we were finally making the butter of crooks, pickers and innkeepers delighted to drown in the bad whisky the disappointment of the Braves.

The bloggers of today make me think of prospectors during the gold rush.

There was a time for bloggers, the heyday of the Roland and censors, where to launch his pro blog seemed to be a miracle vein: it was enough to set up a blog, put up 3 or 4 techniques, and you could get rich! In 4 hours per week for some!

But as in the time of John Sutter, the first arrivals are served and others remained dreamers, nostalgic for a life that they would never know.

Just  travel and type a few articles under a coconut tree while sipping a mojito. Plenty of time to wander in his underwear in his villa in Bali, meet successful entrepreneurs and shake their hands proudly: "Yes, I do too in the club of bloggers to success". Pictures of you tanned with sunglasses on the beach...

You set up a blog, or 2, or even 100, but still sadly your Paypal account shows $20.

Yet, you did as everyone says: you have set up a newsletter, you wrote a guest article, you chose a topic that you're passionate about, and you post on social networks! Frankly, you put in place of techniques!

Maybe you even have managed to make $400 per month, once, in 2016.

Anyway, you have failed to live to your blog, but only to supplement the income.

So, how do we transform the butter in the spinach in blini with caviar? Is there a magic secret? Are you definitely a terrible void that doesn't understand anything about blogging? Are blogging training vendors the gurus of sects who count the money they squeezed you laughingly demonic way?

So instead you of an encyclopedia of failure, I'll give you a strategy to transform your gentile blog in big war machine.

Feel free to follow it, and you also, to understand the reasons that might make you do not follow this strategy. I give it to you, you do what want you

Already, look at what category you find yourself in.

Blow up !! your blog like a  Professional Blogger

You have a blog with a lot of visitors at least 500 visitors a day?

This means that you have a market, a niche that works, and a potentially monetizable blog. Do you have competitors who earn their living with their blog? In this case, keep your blog, and follow the strategy from the "coming Soon" part. But nothing prevents you from reading the whole strategy, it can't hurt you!

You have a blog and a product that do not work if you do not have or few visitors and you have launched a product that does not work, start all over again. This blog will have been a test platform and you will understand better by reading the training why that had not worked.

Change of niche, change blog. Change it all. Can not transform a mayonnaise missed in mayonnaise successful in him adding ingredients.

You have a blog to which you, but that doesn't you see if the problem is with your niche: If there is no market, there never will be. Should you drop it? No. But you will not live. My strategy will teach you to live in this blog here.

You know, I myself have a personal blog that I love, and it is on a so specific niche I know that I'm never going to live, and I do not want. This does not prevent me to keep loving him, and even to apply some of my techniques to improve his writing and reading comfort.

You are not required to do the mourning of this blog. Consider that he is your friend, and your new blog for a living, your Kingdom. A friend is there even if it "does nothing", while a Kingdom runs, and you're a leader.

Strategy to live blog the following strategy to apply. It takes place over several months.

Made records, take notes, take time to implement, and never be complacent with yourself ("I've done enough'), or worse, school (" I did what she said, neither more nor less, without putting my passion and my energy ").

Choose a profitable niche

You might feel disappointed: all niches are not selling, and it is possible that your passion should remain your hobbies.

Of course, in this world, everything is possible: winning the lottery, meet the great love to the supermarket, make a living by blogging about her deep thoughts.

But good. Here, it comes to be pragmatic. Some niches are vendors and others won't.

There are also niches that can sell, but only if you have exceptional skills: the artistic niches. Photo, drawing, singing, comedy...

A profitable niche, what is it?
- It is a niche that interests you (otherwise you will discourage you in 3 months).
- A competitive niche. No competitors, no market.
- A niche that would help people solve problems.
- If you do not have these 3 criteria: I'm sorry, but your niche is not profitable.

A doubt? Go see if you have competitors who earn their living with this niche. Can you identify a problem specific to your niche and dozens of ways to fix in your wallet?

Create a Coming Soon page

Yes, even on your existing blog, create a coming redesign soon. You view a page that explains that the site is in redesign, and proposes to subscribe to your newsletter to enter a contest ("your favorite site is back!", etc).

You can also offer an ebook that solves the main problem of your target, succinctly. An ebook gift can do 5000 words if they are high value: Think of your ebook like the best article on your site.

This means that your site has a nice entry form that redirects to your mailing list manager. I highly recommend Aweber,.

You leave this Coming Soon for 2 to 3 months max (should not be that people forget you either!), and during this time, you're going to implement a super-strategic type impossible mission combat plan, except that it is possible.

Market research you know what to do 99% of bloggers who are getting but you're going to do for the greater glory of your Paypal account?

Yes, you guessed it, market research! At the same time, it was in the title.

How to set up this terrifying process, which the mere mention prospect terrifying images of young dynamic professionals trotting under the Arch of Defense (also called dimensional portal of human despair)?

In fact, it is rather simple, and it can even be fun. No, I assure you, I've not lost the reason.

We should consider this as a game called: 'Discover the true need of your past and future readers ahead of all your competitors' (plays from 1, from 7 to 77 years).

You will personally write to 200 future prospects asking them what is the main problem that they encounter in their niche.

They told pro blog, eh, not blog pro. So, you get the fingers of the nose (this article opts for a decent language), and copy - paste this phrase so your future prospects: 'what's the main problem that you are experiencing in [your niche]

How to find these people?

If you have this question, I assume that you have not yet realized this: we are in 2017, and the Internet allows you to find and contact people through Facebook and his cousins 200 social networks, Google, Yellow Pages, Skype chats, blogs, websites, contact pages, and, I swear, you can still contact people by telegram.

You are free to go and see your city traders, to interview people on the subway or in the evening, do what you want: you must contact 200 people.

Besides, you also have the possibility to contact 500, and ask more questions. Here, I'm talking about the bare minimum.

If you already have a blog, it will be simple to contact your readers already fans.

Of course, you're going to give these people the address of your site.

The ingredients of the blog pro one decent page layout a paid WordPress theme of quality.
Of pictures, pro. No, not to do with your phone to tear it off.

A readable font (dark gray) black on white background, size 15-20px, type Open without. 

A doubt? Look at your English-speaking competitors (much more competition, so sites that are fighting about the Visual quality), and try to inspire you: your site looks completely has-been and cheap next? How would you improve it?

Active social networks you are not required to be on all the social networks, but those on which you are, try to keep them properly updated. Tweet at least 2 times a month, post at least 1 time a week on Facebook, on Google more on LinkedIn.

Put these links on your site. People care! At one time, I took care of online training, that I gradually dropped. Several people have contacted me telling me "your training is still topical? I see that you post more on Facebook... »

Your social networks must be dedicated to your business. Create a page, and if possible a profile dedicated to your activity. Beware, Facebook has more and more tendency to check identities, and do not hesitate to ask for a scan of your ID. 1984, Big Brother, all that.

If you do not ask for 500 friends a day, you should not be annoyed, but the profile to boot, is better than the page. Asking for friends is much faster than getting the likes, and allows visibility from the outset. If you already had a blog with followers, put all this up to date!

You will need to communicate on your social networks about your upcoming site. Don't hesitate to talk about your backstage, your competition, the difficulties you're having, to put suspense on what you are preparing.

A page about your page about talking about you? Spleen! She's your reader to what your blog is going to bring.

In a bakery, what is there to display under the chocolate croissants? The price, as well as the name of the product. And no "I am passionate about the bakery.

A person who reads your about page does not read the to learn more about your personal life and your emotions, he wants to know what you're going to bring him and if he can trust you.

A page about in the order:

- A presentation of the blog.
- To whom this blog is intended.
- Who you are, passed to the filter of your theme.

And 15% on your hobbies other than the theme (to show you are a human being and not a machine).
To write a good page about.

Write concrete articles you have launched your blog, you already have a few hundred registrants.

Don't disappoint expectations and consider your blog as the best resource in your World Wide Web theme.

Wow, that's a little ambitious, right?

How to do that?

You take your 10 biggest competitors, and you criticize them shamelessly: it sucks, I would have not done like that, it doesn't say that he forgot to say ...

Also, take the biggest qualities of each: he speaks to his readers in a warm manner, he wrote very long articles, it is very well written, the photos are very beautiful...

You improve their bad sides and you poke them good.

The guide of the fragile editor you are a bit fragile, normal. School education has not helped you to have confidence in your ability to learn. It decreed you 'good' in this 'wrong' in this and it does not all learning, but levels of narcissism. "I'm good" = I'm a genius who has nothing to learn. "I'm bad" = I'm a big cheesy who has no reason to try.

So, when you fail in a domain, you tend to think first "I'm not as good as something, ah if I was as good as something", rather than "what do I lack as information to be better in my field?"

Read I say it and repeat (not on this blog, but on mine), read. Read, because you cannot know what you have not yet read.

Not sure what to write about? Read about your subject. Read what your competitors have visibly read, but also read what no one reads.

We're not born good, we become. The news does not gush from the sky to land in our mind, and genius is not a natural talent, as Kant assumed. This genius comes from the information that we have acquired in one way or another, combined with each other, and which, synthesized, become intuition.

Read books, articles, and most importantly, read in English (yes but I am lousy in English ... hum, you understood what I think of "I'm a Loser"), because English literature contains information that we do not have.

Help your readers will love your writings if you are always looking to help them better. Help, it means: bring a info that they do not have (hence the indispensable reading).
Detail and guide where others fly.
Explain as if your reader was 11 years old.
A little aside on my 11 year theory: If you combine all the ignored subjects of our readers, you get the level of an 11 year-old. That is perfectly apt to grasp abstract concepts and notions, but possessing only a limited and generalized culture, and no info on your specific field. So taking his reader as an 8-year-old child, that's not treating him dumb. The 11 year-old community will be grateful if you do not make this amalgam

"Don't I not yet said to solve this specific problem?" is the question you need to ask you to write your articles.

Extend the size of an article should be at least 2000 words and can make up to 6000 words why? Everywhere you are told to write short, because people on the internet "scan" and do not read. In fact, it depends.

If you have a real problem: you want to set it, and it is very difficult to get the info you need on 12000 sites. You may prefer one big article that explains everything, or at least gives you a good big overview, rather than a poor article which explains almost nothing.

Think of yourself, who do a search on the web: "how to create a photo studio not expensive". And here, you find yourself flipping through 6 websites, by saying "isn't it", "no, but it brings me not what I'm looking for", "but you do not explain how, in short, it's annoying.

And Google, that he knows. And that's why he refined his algorithm all the time. And what privileges? Items long of race: those who responded to the problem of the Internet user, because it has not only spent time on the page, but, as he put it in a favorite, go back later! Bounce rate, rate of return, there's good SEO.

2000 registered later you're at 6 months, 1 year of blogging, and if you did things correctly, you got 2000 registrants without too much pain.

2000 registered, it's enough to live to your blog, but how to sell your product?

By mail of course!

You have several options at this level that are available to you:

The launch for coaching you have decided to set up a coaching, and you will be very easy to build a clientele.

Here's how to do it: you send a launch mail, with an unbeatable offer. For example: The top 10 registrants receive coaching for $6. Here you will receive hundreds of e-mails: "Me, Me, ME!"

You created the purchase mode policy: That's what supermarkets do. You go there to buy a box of tuna, and you come back with three shopping bags. When our brain is in purchase mode, it doesn't bother him to buy: He saved you as a trustworthy person, since receiving the sang-real from their PayPal account.

Of course, your coaching needs to be on TOP, as when I go buy a can of tuna to Lidl, I rarely come back with 3 bags, products do not make me really want (apart from the nonsense of the kind of German animal stamps), and it must be necessary.

Do not dream, buy mode will only work if your client is in need of your product.

Once these received mails, you offer 10 coaching for $6. They will be your 10 stories for your sales page, but some will also become your loyal customers.

280 others who do not have the coaching at $6, you send them a 20% discount offer. A few dozen will take her. And some will become your loyal customers.

The sales funnel from the start, your gift is a free course by mail. Whether it's about 1 week, on 6 months with 1 mail per month, as you wish, but the goal here is to sell your multiple products, all cheap, and your big expensive product.

The funnel works by adhering to your brand: The more satisfied your customer, the more expensive it buys. That's how Apple works. People trust you completely, and do not hesitate to buy everything you go out.

For that, we will have to set up a follow-up strategy, that is to say a series of emails that your customers receive automatically after registering. You must send a large number of e-mails, 1 per day, or 1 every 2 days, to promote your different products.

Create lists and segment them according to their purchases. Product 1 purchased = for the product 2 mailing list, etc.

This type of funnel is perfect if you have created several products, for example, 1 course not very long, and not expensive, then 1 other courses not very long and not expensive, then 1 training complete, dear, by the month, etc...

Then, you will propose this training with a subscription to the month. Attention, the training content must be interesting over the long term. If nothing is brought from one month to the next, you will lose subscribers. So to bring content regularly, or propose a specific service accessible only if one subscribes. With it, you will have several thousand euros of revenue in just 15 days. This will allow you to work quietly to new sales strategies, as a webinar, or a sales funnel, looking for affiliates, of Facebook advertising, etc.

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Professional blog : Tips to transform your self to a Professional Blogger Reviewed by Tech news on July 16, 2017 Rating: 5 To become wealthy in 1850, it was enough to go to California, to buy a shovel, a pickax and a piece of land. If there was gold for the nei...

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