Wikileaks publishes the source code of the CIA hacking tools - Xtreme Tech News

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Nov 11, 2017

Wikileaks publishes the source code of the CIA hacking tools

Wikileaks publishes the source code of the CIA hacking tools


With its new season Vault 8, Wikileaks aims to publish the source codes of CIA spy tools listed in Vault 7 in recent months.

After its Vault 7 series launched in March 2017 on the undercover spy tools of the CIA walls, WikiLeaks opens a new season, Vault 8, dedicated to the source code of the surveillance applications in question.

"This publication will enable investigative journalists, forensic experts and the general public to better identify and understand the secret components of the CIA's infrastructure," explains Julian Assange's platform for launchers of alerts.

Who is quick to clarify that none of the published documents contain 0 - Day vulnerability or security likely to be re-operated by third parties.


The first revelation of Vault 8 covers Hive (hive), a "major" component of the infrastructure of the U.S. control of its malware Intelligence Agency.

Hive indeed provides a platform of communication between infected servers (monitored) and those of the CIA to exfiltrate information but also to receive instructions. And this, without that its possible discovery could be traced back to the Intelligence Agency.

 Public Servers

Schematically, Hive enables multiple operations from several implants on the target computers, says Wikileaks.
For each operation, a domain created. Domain running on servers leased from commercial hosters as a VPS.

These virtual private servers then serve as relays with the own CIA servers (called "Blot") hosted behind a VPN connection (private virtual network).

According to WikiLeaks, the domains created by the CIA offer trivial content that may not inspire any mistrust of a visitor who falls on it (by chance or not).

Without the visitor's knowledge, lures websites serve as gateways to propagate malware from the CIA, promoting the connection with the Blot servers of the intelligence Agency (and therefore the discrete collection of data).

False misleading certificates

Moreover, the Hive code generates false certificates. such as, for example, a certificate assigned to Kaspersky Lab and signed by Thawte Consulting. This requires Kaspersky to take the floor to defend itself on Twitter.

"This way, if the target organization looks at network traffic coming out of its network, it will tend to attribute the exfiltration of CIA data to uninvolved entities whose identities have been spoofed," says Wikileaks.

Hive is reminiscent of another malware, FuzzBunch, used by the NSA whose hacking tools were stolen by Shadow brokers. With the result that have know.

In the hands of cyber criminals, the tools of the American National Security Agency have been transformed into ransomware Wannacry and other Petya.

Even if WikiLeaks commits to not publishing code without 0-Day, the worst is to be feared with the publication of the twenty tools previously listed in the Vault 7 list.

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Wikileaks publishes the source code of the CIA hacking tools Reviewed by Tech news on November 11, 2017 Rating: 5 Wikileaks publishes the source code of the CIA hacking tools With its new season Vault 8, Wikileaks aims to publish the source code...

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