Star Wars The Last Jedi: the new trailer - Xtreme Tech News

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Oct 10, 2017

Star Wars The Last Jedi: the new trailer

Star Wars The Last Jedi is expected as the White Wolf by fans of the George Lucas universe. In accordance with what had been announced, Lucasfilm has put online tonight a new trailer, and the latter will leave nobody indifferent. Actually, she might even make you the effect of a gigantic slap across the face.

If you're running from what looks like a spoiler, then you want to immediately go your way. And even more if you have not seen the previous movie.

Star Wars The Last Jedi: The new trailer is here

The Last Jedi will obviously focus a lot on Rey and it is in any case what we can deduce from this trailer. It shows our brave heroine training with Luke Skywalker on his planet indeed.

Interestingly, in a passage, we see that the beautiful has a perfect command of the Force and so she was able to release considerable energy. Enough anyway to break the ground at his feet. Luke himself is impressed and he also points out that he saw such a power only once before. Is he referring to Kylo Ren? It's possible.

Further, we see it from elsewhere to get out of the wreckage of a burning building, a building that could be the Academy founded by his care and destroyed by his valiant Jedi student: Kylo Ren.

The latter also plays an important role in this new trailer. After having made accountable to the Supreme Leader Snoke, this last hand to lead an attack on the ship of his own mother and we see also hesitate before opening fire.

Further, we see Leia on an ice planet. Therefore, the assault failed.

A  simply lunatic Video

The end of the video is probably the most interesting. To begin with, it reveals the supreme Leader Snoke in flesh and bone. The apparition is fleeting, but it still allows us to see a very important thing: the creature is not an extraterrestrial, but a human being.

More importantly, it carries many old scars on the face, scars that have partially disfigured it. Moreover, he seems to have a perfect command of the force and he manages to immobilize Rey in the air.
Remarkable, especially since the latter does not seem to be a Jedi quite like the others. Of course, that does not tell us more about the true origins of the leader, but the film should teach us a little more about its identity and its motivations.

The real blow of the club is at the end of the video.

The trailer indeed shows a Rey tearful explaining to Kylo Ren – his sworn enemy – that she needs help to find her place in this world. There, against all odds, the latter seems to be touched by his words and he then stretches his hand, as if to propose to him to turn to the dark side of the Force.

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Star Wars The Last Jedi: the new trailer Reviewed by Tech news on October 10, 2017 Rating: 5 Star Wars The Last Jedi is expected as the White Wolf by fans of the George Lucas universe. In accordance with what had been announced, L...

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