Uranus and Neptune, it's raining diamonds - Xtreme Tech News

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Aug 27, 2017

Uranus and Neptune, it's raining diamonds

A new scientific study explains how several million carats of gems are formed on Neptune and Uranus . 


Do we really have to get out his umbrella during a storm on Uranus and Neptune? Wouldn't not better to tender hands folded in front of you, or simply bend down to pick it up? Because if it does not the strings on the two giant planets ice rain, it rains good diamonds. This is demonstrated by a study published in the journal Nature Astronomy that scientists have managed to understand the phenomenon through an amazing experience performed in the laboratory.

For this, researchers have tried to reproduce the structure and the weather conditions of the two planets: both consist of a rocky heart around which formed several layers of "ice" formed of hydrogen and carbon. They are characterized by their enormous atmospheric pressure, which would "shatter" the link between carbon and hydrogen atoms to turn them into diamonds. These diamonds, would then flow to the core of the planet. Where the use by scientific authors of the study of the word of "rain" from diamonds.

Birth of nanodiamonds on Earth

To understand the phenomenon, they used the laboratory for polystyrene (composed of carbon and hydrogen) and lasers. By spraying their polystyrene tip with an optical laser, the scientists managed to create shock waves that, by meeting, broke the bond between the carbon and hydrogen atoms present in the polystyrene, finally giving birth to NanoDiamond.

On Neptune and Uranus, the same phenomenon would have course, but however, diamonds would be far greater. The authors of the study scientists even that some would have a size giving them the value of several million carats. If they are not still managed to produce valuable stones in their laboratory, their discovery, however, could make people happy: many electronic objects - as our smartphones - contain the nanodiamonds. And so far, their production proved to be extremely complex and costly.

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Uranus and Neptune, it's raining diamonds Reviewed by Tech news on August 27, 2017 Rating: 5 A new scientific study explains how several million carats of gems are formed on Neptune and Uranus .  Do we really have to get ou...

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