12 tips to gain more followers on Instagram - Xtreme Tech News

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Aug 3, 2017

12 tips to gain more followers on Instagram

 Knowing how to use Instagram is good. But without subscribers all your efforts are futile ... especially if you have a pro or semi-pro-oriented account. Here are 12 tips to get more followers on Instagram.

 1.Thinking about content Strategy!

Whether it is through a graphic charter dedicated to your Instagram account, or in the choice of the themes of your photos, you must build a real content strategy. Examples:

-  Preserving the same visual harmony throughout your publications
-  publish only photos on the same theme (whether it is cats, cars, small dishes or landscapes ...)
-  Share inspiring quotes, etc.

The stakes? Keep a real consistency in your posts and your Instagram. That way, you will be more loyal to your subscribers and you will win in commitment.

2. Use the (good) hashtags on Instagram 

you know now that you have to use hashtags. Still need to use the vouchers! This is a great way for your photos to be visible by the largest number of users.

In fact, there are 2 possible strategies: use popular or targeted hashtags.

Using hyper popular hashtags like # FF (Follow Friday), # Instafollow, # l4l (like for like),
# Follow4follow, # followback, # instapic, # instamoment (and the list is long!) you're sure to win followers. Except that yes, you will have the quantity, but your subscribers will not be qualified. While targeting your hashtags, Instagramers will eventually recognize your content and be more likely to subscribe to you in return.

Of course, nothing prevents you to mix the two approaches... At worst, experiment and see what happens! Once your main hashtags defined, save them somewhere and copy / paste on each new post, adapting to the need.

3.Subscribe to influential accounts 

when you set the general direction of your instagram, you'll do well to subscribe to the most popular instagrameurs of the moment. This will bring more visibility to your publications. Because you (maybe!) the chance to be noticed by their subscribers.

You can also ask them mentions (still necessary as they deserve!) or that they post a publication on your account (and vice versa). A miracle is still possible... (Yeeeeha #OMG I got a Rihanna like!)

4.Interact with your users as much as is possible

find the contact with your subscribers, even if they are not very numerous.

They have commented on one of your photos? Like their commentary (= click on the little heart), and/or answer. Engage, and interested in them in return, etc. Go to their account, like their photos, comment on their content to them.

Keep in mind that Instagram is certainly one of the social networks the warmer that is! It is extremely easy to share with the world. New contacts will be more likely to share and promote your photos and you do gain subscribers.

5. Subscribe to the accounts suggested 

this new features is obviously part of evolution by the parent Facebook... The (same) kind of algorithm operates on Instagram: we suggest you follow similar to yours, accounts that: you have the same interest (example: you like often pictures of flowers) or then you follow friends Instagram accounts, then Instagram will offer to follow the accounts of your friends you have surely the question : but what's the point to subscribe to the suggested accounts? Well, that's one of the best ways to attract followers: become one yourself. Most of the time, if your areas of interest match and they appreciate your pictures, accounts which you subscribed subscribe in return.

6. Link Your accounts Instagram and Facebook 

Facebook will you tell me! First remember that Facebook bought Instagram in 2012. Well, what does it bring?

    By linking your two accounts, Instagram will propose you to follow the accounts of your Facebook friends and vice versa (practical, no?). The "Find Friends" option will be very useful to you!

    In the other direction, this will show your Facebook friends that you are on Instagram and will give them the opportunity to follow you. Of course, if this does not work, you can always ask them to follow you directly finally, so you can post your photos on both social networks at the same time (saves time assured!)

Be careful when you duplicate your posts from Instagram to Facebook. The too full of hashtags (indispensable and very used on Instagram, as we just saw) is particularly annoying tedious on Facebook. The solution? Change your Facebook status manually (in practice, click the arrow on the top right, and then edit the publication)

7. Promoting your Instagram through other social 

This  will never be repeated enough, but the principle of social networks is to build communities. So if you are on several social networks (the most common being Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or even Pinterest), you have already built communities. Why not use it to earn more followers on Instagram?

Do not hesitate to let them know about your presence on Instagram. Your different communities certainly appreciate your publications on these networks and would be delighted to receive more via Instagram!

8. Like the pictures of others, yes but ...

As explained above (point 4), you must like the photos of your subscribers and interact with them in order to create contact. There is also a classic way to win followers on Instagram: it's like thousands of photos a day (it's called mass following).

This may seem obvious to you, but like photos of other users will inevitably bring you subscribers. According to Neil Patel of QuickSprout, this is the number 1 trick to win followers:
"If you want to win hundreds of subscribers per day, the best way to do this is like random thousands of images a day. This is a tedious task, but as you can see on the growth of my account, it works really well"

But be careful! Thousands of photos a day like you will most probably appear as dedicated spammer. In addition, subscribers that you will earn will probably not as interested than you have imagined. So remember that everything is as...

9.Do not buy subscribers

 what idea? Well Yes, everyone can buy subscribers on Instagram. If you type on Google "how to get more subscribers on Instagram", you will find many services and applications that will make you buy your subscribers.» But we strongly recommend this method.

Keep in mind that, even though it may increase the amount of your followers in the short term, it doesn't help to the level of commitment. The majority of these subscribers will be ghost accounts, and not contacts or potential customers.

Keep your money, just like the pictures and share with other real users... (in short all the tips given to you in this article!)

10. the quality instead of quantity!

This tip can you look amazing. Yet that is what will make your account, an interesting account in the eyes of your subscribers.

So, remember to regularly review your publications and do not hesitate to remove some to keep that quality photos. No one wants to follow someone who has hundreds of mixed photos and without consistency of content. Your photos must be relevant in relation to what you promise to your subscribers (still and always the content strategy!).

11. Stay on the lookout by following the influencers 

 in your area, you will see new things happening ... Ideas, trends, latest fashionable hashtags, etc.

So update your profile regularly. Maybe you can change the hashtags or add emojis (new ones come out regularly!) in your bio? To do this, go to your profile (by clicking on your photo at the bottom right) and press "Edit your profile".

12.publish regularly

This last trick is perhaps the most important of all! It is especially essential if you have a Instagram account with a professional vocation. Think about publishing on a regular basis and especially thoughtful! To do this, several solutions are available to you:

- Set up an editorial calendar: What content will I publish? What day? How often? What will be the message?

- Program your publications: Tools like Crowdfire, buffer or even Latergramme will allow you to prepare your posts in advance, and send you a reminder on your smarphone when you have to do it

These 12 tips to gain more followers on Instagram were useful to you? Feel free to tell us below in the comments, or even to share yours!

12 tips to gain more followers on Instagram Reviewed by Tech news on August 03, 2017 Rating: 5  Knowing how to use Instagram is good. But without subscribers all your efforts are futile ... especially if you have a pro or s...

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