Game of Thrones: the history of the Targaryen, the House who conquered Westeros in fire and blood - Xtreme Tech News

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Jul 19, 2017

Game of Thrones: the history of the Targaryen, the House who conquered Westeros in fire and blood

It is often said that there not really hero or heroine in HBO Game of Thrones. Yet, it is this way think of Daenerys Targaryen, the last survivor of an ancient dynasty. House Targaryen comes from the continent to the East of Westeros and conquered the latter through their dragons led by Aegon the Conqueror, 300 years before the start of the series. Light on a story written in fire and blood.
The Blazon of the Targaryen is a three-headed dragon blowing red flames on black background. Why three heads? Because it represents Aegon the Conqueror and his two sisters, Rhaenys and Visenya, each of them having conquered Westeros dragon backpack. This sets the tone and explained their motto, "fire and blood". Members of the family are characterized by dragon's blood, an expression generalizing all the common traits of Targaryen, including hair silver and violet eyes. They can also withstand heat which  the ordinary, pushing some to believe that they could even be immunized against the flames, even though this is only a legend.


What isn't, however, is the ability of some of the family to have precognitive dreams and family tradition to marry each other in incestuous relationships. The result is that many heirs and Kings Targaryen develop psychological and mental problems and sometimes crazy. Of after King Jaehaerys II, when a Targaryen is born, the gods throw a coin in the air playing heads or tails to see if the child will be a genius or a fool. There are rarely Middle House Targaryen. The best example of this is the mad King Aerys II killed by Jaime Lannister, who is the opposite of his son, Rhaegary Targaryen, died at the battle of the Trident of the hammer of Robert Baratheon was the perfect prince: beautiful, smart, fair and strong.


And what makes the Targaryens apart from the others is of course their dragons. The family originates from Valyria, in Essos. Over there, the house was one of many and not at all more powerful than their neighbors. In Valyria, everyone has dragons. Only here, Daenys the dreamer had one day a premonition: Valyria was to be destroyed by an astronomical cataclysm and it was necessary to flee as soon as possible. His family trusted him and the Targaryens exiled themselves with their five dragons on the island of Dragonstone, off the east coast of Westeros. A few years later, the Scourge fell on Valyria. Terrible earthquakes, simultaneous eruptions across the entire territory and cracks in the Earth's plate engulf all civilization. The Dragons perish with it. Of the five having left with the family, four die in mysterious conditions. But the last, Balerion, still has two eggs ...

One hundred years later, the little dragons have grown. While the power of the House is stagnating, Aegon Targaryen then at the head of the family, decides to take action. It straddles Balerion and says the other two dragons to his two sisters and wives: Rhaenys Meraxes and Visenya Vhagar. They begin with the area that will later be known as King's Landing (landing of the King, therefore) and will become the seat of power. Thus began the wars of conquest of Aegon, which result in the loss of six of the seven kingdoms of Westeros. The seventh, Dorne, aware of not being able to defeat the Targaryen, decides finally to join them. If they manage to defeat all yet much more powerful than their armies, it is through the dragons being able to burn thousands of men in a few minutes on the field of battle, sufficient most of the time to abdicate the different Kings and Lords.


Aegon is crowned King is unified the seven crowns as he sits on the Iron Throne, made with the weapons of his defeated enemies and starts a dynasty that will last for the next 300 years. The key moment of the history of the House takes place about 200 years before the events of the books and the series and is called in the history books The Dance of the Dragons. The event is in fact a two-year succession war between Aegon II and his half-sister Rhaenyra. The result of this war? The two contenders die and the vast majority of the Targaryen family dragons too. In the end, he was the son of Rhaenyra who ascended the throne: Aegon III. During his reign, the last of the Dragons died and the Targaryen power faltered in the Seven Kingdoms.

It was however far from being the end of the problems for the family, since Aegon IV led to even more fratricidal wars. This King had a certain love for carnal pleasures and maintained relationships with many mistresses, imbuing him many bastards. One of them, later known as Daemon Blackfyre, grows into a young man especially promising, strong and powerful. For this, his father offered him Blackfyre, the legendary sword of Aegon the conqueror. On his deathbed, Aegon IV legitimist all her children and place them in the succession, blowing its true legitimate son, Daeron II. You can guess the rest. The episode of history that is known under the name of Blackfyre Rebellion was short with the appearance of the son of Daeron: Baelor and Maekar, who crushed the rebellion.

We come to Aerys II, said the Mad king. Yet it has not always been so since its reign is at first full of promises, exercising its power with precision. However, he was abducted by rebels and despite his rescue, became paranoid to the extremes of all those around him, fearing to be betrayed. Little by Little, the Dark King in madness. His son, Rhaegar, vows to be a better king. And everything seems to indicate that he will. He embodies the image of the perfect man and would even be the prince promised by the prophecy of the Song of Ice and Fire (giving his title to the series of books, a Song of Ice and Fire). But when the latter decides to woo Lyanna Stark and escapes with her, Robert Baratheon, in love with the young Stark, becomes furious and triggers a rebellion alongside Jon Arynn and Eddard Stark, whose brother and father are burned alive by Aerys II.

Little by little, the Baratheon/Stark alliance gained ground, until the fateful day of the Battle of the Trident, where it eventually clashed with Rhaegar Targaryen and Robert Baratheon. The bear against the Dragon. The sword against the hammer. Robert's Hammer will be the winner of the duel. As the armies approached the King's Landing area, the then pregnant Queen Rhaella Targaryen fled to Dragonstone. Having lost her son Rhaegar, she carries away her second child, but dies giving life to Daenerys Targaryen. In the capital, Jaime Lannister assassinates the king when the latter, knowing himself lost, asks him to burn the city and the inhabitants with it. The Lannisters opened the gates of the city to Eddard Stark, who had come to capture King's Landing on behalf of Robert Baratheon. The latter is made king, ending the Targaryen dynasty.


What the last two children Viserys and Daenerys, a close ally of the family makes flee to Essos in the free cities. Viserys had the wrong side of the room when the game of the gods because it grows in a despicable man, full of himself, convinced that everything is due because he's the last Targaryen heir. He will be killed by Khal Drogo, become the husband of Daenerys. Upon her marriage, she receives as a gift three eggs of dragons, the first to be discovered for a century and a half. When her husband Drogo dies, she sets him a funeral pyre. While the flames are set on fire, Daenerys is sinking into the fire with her three eggs. Everyone think she's crazy, but when the heat dissipates, Daenerys is alive and accompanied by three little dragons.

As for the last two children, and Daenerys, a close ally of the family made them flee to Essos in the free cities. They would have had the wrong side of the play in the game of the gods, as he grew into a despicable man, full of himself, convinced that everything was due to him because he was the last Targaryen heir. He will be killed by Khal Drogo, who became Daenerys's husband. At her wedding, she received three dragon eggs as a gift, the first to be discovered for a century and a half. When her husband Drogo dies, she sets up a funeral pyre. As the flames ignite, Daenerys sinks into the fire with its three eggs. Everyone thinks she's crazy, but when the fire dissipates, Daenerys is alive and accompanied by three little dragons.

The head of the khalasar Drogo and her dragons, the young Daenerys Targaryen will embark on a vision quest to try to reclaim Westeros and restore the dynasty of his parents. But during his trip to Essos, she will gradually realize that ambition will be not so easy to realize and understand before conquer Westeros, it would already that it is organized as a war leader, learn to govern and hold land. It's what she does by taking control of 8000 Unsullied slaves soldiers she earns to his favor by pretending to buy them against one of his dragons then once obedient soldiers, ordering them to kill all the slavers of the city.

Daenerys is surrounded by allies valuable including Jorah Mormon, son of the former Commander of the night's Watch, Barristan Selmy, former Kingsguard to Joffrey Baratheon and better blade of seven kingdoms, Strong Belwas, a colossal man and Gladiator from the arenas of Meereen, Grey Worm, Commander of Unsullied and finally Daario Naharis, her lover and captain of the Stormcrows mercenaries, attached to the cause of the so-called now the mother of Dragons. With this team, she manages to capture the city of Meereen and learn to restore peace in the region she just hustle, declaring that if she wants to become a good Queen for the continent of Westeros, she'd already better learn how to govern a single city.

No doubt the home of Game of Thrones to the most impressive history. Coming from a mysterious and exotic ancestral country, they managed to conquer Westeros dragons back until their power fade as a result of various wars of succession and rebellions. Today, the only hope of the Targaryen is based on their last heir, Daenerys. Is that what you prĂȘteriez allegiance to the Targaryen if you were in the universe of Game of Thrones?


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Game of Thrones: the history of the Targaryen, the House who conquered Westeros in fire and blood Reviewed by Tech news on July 19, 2017 Rating: 5 It is often said that there not really hero or heroine in HBO Game of Thrones . Yet, it is this way think of Daenerys Targaryen , the las...

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